Color Challenge: Wednesday Yellow. Ume, canoe and hmm... teatime?

Hi everyone! The Yellow Wednesday here! And I see yellow flowers in every second post with colorchallenge tag. To shake it up, I won't post flowers today, though I like some.

Real Summer is a rare thing here inside the Arctic circle. Even today people dress well before going outside. It's only 12°C and windy. But sometimes something happens and we have real sunny summer, when you can walk just in T-shirt. How awesome it is!

Here is a photo of Umeshu (Japanese plum liquor) that I and my friend Risha took for an evening walk. Yes, that was real summer!
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Another summer photo I got chilling out on the Barents Sea. Yes, a cold one, but there are practically no people there, one of its advantages to me. Someday I will tell you more about that wonderful place, especially about Nemetsky peninsula. Until then here is my father's canoe, in which I plied the Love bay. It was peaceful, lovely evening.
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I promised to post three photos a day as part of the color challenge, but frankly I don't have too many decent yellow-themed photos, so I'll just leave here this pix of freaked out teatime :)
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Excuse my typos, thanks for watching and have a great summer!

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