Pictures From Purdue

I met up with a friend who was traveling through West Lafayette and we walked around the Purdue campus. It was kind of strange because most of the students left campus for the extended break except the football team and others who still had exams on Monday. They aren't coming back until January 19th so you know tons of these college students are going to go down to Florida.


Have to start with the bell tower. I got lucky and it was ringing while I was looking at it.


Knoy - College of Technology


The fountain. (Shut off for the winter)


Ross Ade football stadium. It wasn't a good picture of it but that's the best I could do.


Boilermaker statue


An All American tribute display.


One of the houses I lived in.

There were a lot of things that were the same overall but a lot of things had changed.

After that we went to the XXX diner and ate way too much food. That is what it is called. It doesn't have anything to do with porn. It's a famous place to eat in West Lafayette

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