Monetizing Your Website With CryptoCurrency

Let's spend a few moments together discussing the future of advertising, and the role #Cryptocurrency is already starting to play. For now, the simplest way to go about monetizing your website is to sign up for a Google Adwords account. They supply you with the code, and you can easily drop it anywhere on your website or blog.

Running ads using Google's free service is just one option. There are also other options that often require your website to have a certain amount of traffic first. This is to protect their advertisers. The companies that are smaller than Google but seeking to compete have to make sure they are showing ads on websites that are popular!

However, most of that is the old. CryptoCurrency is the new!

I began looking into whether or not there were already ways to #monetize my website with digital coin. I'm glad to say that I've been pretty impressed so far. On one hand there really aren't that many companies doing it yet. On the other, the ones that are have plenty room to grow and improve.

In other words, the timing is just right!

One of the best I've found so far is

It's Free to sign up or you can just use their engine to Shorten links (like or

CoinURL is very flexible and offers several different ad-zone sizes. There are several different advertisers using the service now and best of all, it pays in #BTC. With Bitcoin surging to $3,000 it's more clear than ever, that getting paid in BTC is better than getting paid in #USD right now.

So if you're monetizing your website, you may wan to consider using ad-zones that are going to pay you in digital currency, over paper fiat.

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