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About Coffee


Coffee is the most popular beverage worldwide. Coffee made by boiling a variety of seeds , known as "coffee seeds", was prepared by mixing it with water. This seed is a kind of fruit seed called Coffee Cherry. In some 70 countries, these fruit trees are grown. Green coffee is one of the world's most sold agricultural products. Coffee caffeine called is a type stimulants. There is about 135 milligrams of caffeine in 8 ounce coffee.Coffee ingredients serve as stimulants and stimulants for coffee caffeine. Now, after tea , coffee is the most popular beverage in the world.


Production system:-

Coffee is the world's second largest producer (after fuel oil) and one of the world's most consumed drinks. Between 1998 and 2000, 6.7 million tons of coffee was produced. By 2010, coffee production is expected to rise to 7 million tons.
It is widely known as the most popular stimulant beverage throughout the world . According to the 1999 American citizens per day to 3.5 cups of coffee as a drink been taken.
In the United States, more than half of the population drink coffee regularly and they drink 3 cups of coffee per day.


People have been drinking coffee for more than 500 years. The earliest known evidence of coffee in the world is found in Yemen in the fifteenth century.

Health Quality:-

A study found that coffee drinkers can give longevity to people every day . Other studies also show that coffee improves the liver's health and prevents cancer.

Benefits of Drinking Coffee:-


Capable drinking coffee to remove physical exhaustion As soon as we had a cup of coffee, we came back after tiredness and looked back. But many people think that caffeine in the coffee is harmful to the body. But the results of the research are saying exactly the opposite.
The British Medical Journal has brought a comparative picture of 200 research done during coffee time. This study, conducted in the elderly, shows that drinking a cup of coffee a day will reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer or even diabetes.
The benefits of coffee drinking in the study are as follows:

  1. Those who drink three cups of coffee every day, their risk of dying of diseases is 17 percent lower than others.
  2. Discovering the risk of cardiovascular disease with coffee drinks is amazing. Caffeine caffeine reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and stroke. These benefits are available in 3-5 cups of coffee a day.
  3. Coffee reduces the risk of cancer. Caffeine helps to keep the liver better.
  4. Regardless of caffeine and caffeine, all types of coffee are effective in preventing type 2 diabetes.
    But there are also some health risks for extra coffee drinkers. Especially pregnant women can get extra coffee if there is a childbirth, child weighing less and delivery before the scheduled time. Coffee can also weaken the bones of women. However, there is no risk to men.

Tea or coffee, which is good:-

The famous British author George Orwell once said, 'One of the supports of British civilization is tea'. But in the meantime, the hot drinks of the British food list are being consumed by various types of coffee. Not only in Britain, but coffee is being shared gradually in almost all places of the world. But which of these two warm drinks is good?
Between the tea and coffee, good and bad arguments have been going on for a long time. The BBC has reported comparisons of the various beneficial aspects of two warm drinks, without having to argue about taste.
According to the BBC, the stimulus called 'caffeine' plays an important role in choosing a beverage. It can be called the energy of our body machine. A cup of coffee contains 80 to 115 milligrams of caffeine. Caffeine contains the same amount of tea, half of it, 40 milligrams. But caffeine is not everything.
A study on moderate tea or coffee drinks shows that two drinks enter some of our bodies that awaken our senses in the morning. In the study, the same amount of energy gives the same amount of tea or coffee on the brain is more effective on the tea. The taste and smell of the known drinks have a great effect on people's revival.
The big difference between tea and coffee is seen during sleeping time. In one day, a study done by Surrey University of the United Kingdom on the same amount of tea or coffee recipients found that while drinking two beverages almost the same thing to keep awake daytime, people suffering from sleeping in the night are more likely to drink coffee. For this, experts say that more caffeine in coffee is responsible.
Both tea and coffee cause damage to the teeth of humans. However, according to dentists, the natural substances of tea are limited by damage to dental anamels. However, if the loss of coffee is not very high, then this loss can be serious in the use of chlorhexydine-rich mouthwash.
Many researchers claim that tea keeps the nerves cold. Think about it. On the other hand, coffee creates enormous amounts of human life. There is a bit of extra energy in the body.
Tea or coffee works as a natural medicine body. Both work well in controlling diabetes. Coffee works well to prevent heart disease. Cancer is not created again, it works tea.
The discussion does not show any quality of drinks shortening positive quality. But of course, the quality of the tea will be more acceptable than the coffee. Now the reader's mortgage.
