Cold Brew Coffee with an Aeropress

I've been making coffee with an Aeropress, one cup at a time, for many years now. Recently I discovered, at Starbucks, cold brewed coffee. Instant love. So how to make it? Beginner's mind suggested the obvious solution, so I went to work.

I used my normal two scoops of beans per cup. I use Capulin Coffee. Jungle-grown in Mexico. Cleaned by hand. Never any water, until you add it.

I ground it up, added water and mixed well, covered with a saucer, and refrigerated overnight. Then did the usual Aeropress magic in the morning. Very easy. Very yummy!

Grind the Beans
Grind the beans (I use a KitchenAid burr grinder)

Add Water
Add filtered tap water

Overnight in the Frig
Mix coffee and water and refrigerate overnight

Assemble the Aeropress
Assemble the Aeropress

Pour in the Sludge
Pour in the sludge

Press it through the filter

Clean Your Tools
Clean your tools

Ready to Enjoy

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