I Come In Peace πŸ‘½βœŒοΈ - when an alien appears on your coffee

I Come In Peace πŸ‘½βœŒοΈ



I drink too much coffee. I think that's already been established. I have actually reduced how much coffee I consume daily. There was a time I was drinking a cup every hour! Now I'm down to a maximum of 3 cups a day.

The one positive thing is that I only drink black coffee - no sugar, milk, cream or anything else. This means my only issue is caffeine, not sugar or cholesterol. The jury is still out on whether black coffee is actually harmful in the quantities I was consuming, but better safe than sorry I say.

Anyway, one of the reasons why I actually drink less coffee is having a coffee machine. My little Nespresso serves small portions of coffee. I noticed that in the cafe they add 2, sometimes 3 shots of espresso to my americano drinks. At home, using my machine, I only have 1 shot. It means I can drink 3 cups for every cafe cup.

My machine has the habit of creating art on the crema. It's different every time due to the randomness and chaos theory followed by liquids in free flow. Sometimes the randomness forms shapes that are just too clear and non-random looking. I wrote on here before that I see patterns constantly, including in my coffee. I've seen ghosts, yin-yang signs, animals and other stuff in my coffee before. But then sometimes some of the patterns are just a little eyebrow raising :)

One of such times was yesterday morning when an alien apparently showed up on my coffee. It apparently also "came in peace", judging by the sign it threw up with it's hand. I was glad for the peaceful gesture because I wasn't really prepared for a battle with an extra-terrestrial visitor first thing in the morning. I'd need my coffee first before that πŸ‘½

Peace & Love,


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