《AMAZING CHINA 厉害了,我的国》大电影上映,看完热血沸腾啊

最近在2018年两会即将召开之际,在电影院有一部纪录电影《 厉害了,我的国》燃情上映,看到介绍后我就迫不及待的掏钱买票,第一时间观看了这部以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,全面展示了党的十八大以来在创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念下中国取得的历史性成就、历史性变革的震撼画面,影片分了好几个章节,每个章节都令人振奋沸腾,还没有观看的朋友们,赶紧走进电影院去感受一下作为中国人的自豪吧,哈哈~~~

Recently in 2018 NPC and CPPCC will be held at the cinema, has a record of bad film "AMAZING CHINA " the release of my country, I can not wait to see the tickets, the first time to watch the Chinese characteristics of Xi Jinping new era of socialist thought as the guide, a comprehensive display of the party in eighteen years the new development of the concept of innovation, harmony, green, open, sharing the Chinese historic achievement, historic change shocking picture, the film divided into several sections, each section is exciting boiling, did not see friends, to go to the cinema to feel as Chinese proud of it, ha ha ~ ~ ~

厉害了,我的国 预告片:http://vt1.doubanio.com/201803042039/f538ddab0cef3a1aa1c99de367903c63/view/movie/M/302270777.mp4

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