当围墙向你逼近 | When The Walls Close In | CN/ENG


I wanted to write a longer piece for you all, which is in addition to my daily words to inspire.


I also wanted to ensure that everyone can understand what I have to say, as my message is universal. Well everything I write is. I really feel this one is important to take the time to deliver in both English and Chinese. If this is liked by all, I will consider writing including an English version to my daily wisdoms.


Today I’m going to talk to you about when the walls seem to be closing in on life and you feel overwhelmed, suffocated and drowning within yourself.


I am yet to cross a person who has not experienced some level of this. Whether it be through depression, anxiety and isolation often are only discussed behind close doors. That is because when we confront the outer world, we put on a mask when we leave the house, and most often we will proclaim “everything is okay”.


Every so often though, everything is not okay and against your better judgement you can’t quite seem to shake the feelings which weigh on you so heavily.


Often it is in these moments of what seems to be falling down a well, you actually find yourself in an opportunity to fly out of the darkness and into the light.


These moments are the ideal time to reflect on what has been, why you are where you are. They are necessary for advancing in life.


But how do you do survive them when it all seems too much? Here is where it is completely counter intuitive.


You must go against what you feel and you must do what is right for yourself. You may feel like locking yourself away, withdrawing and keeping to yourself but in doing so that is where you will remain. You need to tip the well upside down so to speak, it is always easier to fall than it is to rise.


Imagine the difficulty of falling down a well, there is none. Imagine flapping your arms so you can fly out of the well, it takes immense energy. That is what you need to do.


When I have experienced these moments, I have forced myself to socialise, to be surrounded by people who bring out the best in me and to do everything I don’t feel like doing. I exercise a lot and I watch comedies.


Suddenly, the world and the weight begins to lift. Flapping your arms like a bird begins to work and you rise out of the well.


More often than not though to flap your arms you need a little bit of encouragement. That is why you must openly express how you feel about things to yourself honestly and also those dear to you.


We all know the world’s problems stem from lack of understanding, but understanding only occurs with clear communication. You are no different. Speak your truth regardless of how it makes you feel and you will be liberated from the walls closing in.


They will start to open up once again and the world will become a wonderful land of opportunity once again.


I encourage you if you ever feel like the walls are closing in, speak up, ask for help and start flapping your wings.

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