The Chinese are coming!

Chinese are coming!

The Chinese are coming!
It's surprising that the 'cn' tag now is at top 4 position. Wondering how the Chinese achieved that in so short time? Here is the explanation.

Obviously, most Steemers are english speakers and there are only hundreds of posts are in Chinese.

We are a group of enthusiast of digital currency and Steem. Since last week we build a close community to discuss about concept of Steem, writing post in Chinese, building websites to introduce Steem to other Chinese.

Here is what we have done in the last week.

  1. Most of the us are experts of digital currency and software. We mine Bitcoin, run Cryptocurrency exchange, arbitrage. We do almost everything related to cryptocurrency.
  2. Most of us can read and write English.
  3. We build a website, and community of QQ Group and Wechat Group.
    Welcome to Steemit WeiXin Chat Group
  4. We wrote articles to introduce Steem to other Chinese.
    FAQ for Chinese Newbie
    Welcome to Steemit-China
  5. Some of us started to buy huge amount of Steem and have great Steem Power.
    @abit $1,040,515.43
    @Laonie $152,815.93
  6. We invested by ourself to translate the Steem White Paper into Chinese.
    SteemWhitePaper Translated into Chinese
    Github Repo of the Chinese Translation
  7. Most Chinese post under the tag 'cn' as we proposed.

Now there are only hundreds of Chinese playing with Steem but we have done a lot.

Even for most of Chinese it's impossible to register on
Stongly suggest to dan & ned that steemit support for QQ or Wechat verifieation.

Just imagine that there are millions of digital currency players in China! Wow!!!

Here is why we are so fascinated by Steem

  1. We don't have access to Facebook, Google , Twitter. You name it. Most good things are blocked by the Great Fire Wall.
  2. Censorship. I don't want to talk more about this because I'm still living in China.

We are not spamming here. We are contributors to the Steem community. We are part of this big family.
** We love Steem! **

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