Ten Facts One Lie Challenge – About Me |十真一假挑战 @sharonqian

Ten Facts and One Lie Challenge from @sharonqian

First and foremost, I want to thank @ericet for nominating me to participate in this fun game.

Ten facts one lie challenge Rules:

  • Write down 11 descriptions of yourself with ten facts and one lie. Take a guess of the lie and write it down in the comment section!
  • Nominate 5 more users to continue this challenge.
  • I will offer 2 SBD to users who guess the correct answer (I will split the price evenly among users who guess the correct answer)!
  • The game ends in 5 days (04/22/2018).

1. I have been to 5 continents and the first country I have been to (other than my home country) is in Africa.

2. I started to draw when I was 4 years old.

3. I have won 6 golden medals, 3 silver medals and 1 bronze medals in track and field competitions. I broke the school record for the 400-meter dash.

4. I scored the highest in my grade in Chinese final exams three times during elementary and middle school.

5. I was 5'6 in height when I graduated from the elementary school.

6. My first male best friend was five years older than me.

7. I am afraid of the ocean.

8. I would never want to travel to my dream city, Paris, in the next 5 years.

9. I love dystopian literature but I love math and science better than English.

10. I rarely see my father in the first five years of my life.

11. My favorite childhood cartoon is the Legend of Nezha.


  • 写出11项和自己有关的描述,其中10真1假,请大家找出假的那一个。
  • 点名5位幸运用户继续传递挑战接力。
  • 我将提供2SBD平均分配给答对的人。

1. 我涉足过五大洲,我第一个去的国家(除了中国以外)在非洲。
2. Sharon(自称自己的名字哈哈哈)自4岁起学习画画。
3. 我在田径运动会上累计夺得6枚金牌,3枚银牌和1枚铜牌。此外,我曾打破学校400米冲刺的校记录。
4. Sharon曾三次在期末语文考试中取得年级第一的成绩。
5. 从小学毕业时我身高169厘米。
6. 我第一位男生知己比我大5岁。
7. 我害怕海洋。
8. 我或许永远或五年内不会想去我梦中的城市,巴黎游历。
9. 我非常喜欢反乌托邦文学,但相比文学我可能更喜欢科学。
10. 我父亲在我人生的前五年几乎缺席。
11. Sharon童年最爱的动漫是哪吒传奇。

Nominations for #TenFactsOneLie Challenge:
@leftbank(大佬好~) @softmetal(神预言家~) @pgr(我的大美术家) @snailsong(蜗牛~) @fishlucy(可爱的女孩子)

We will reveal the winner(s) in 5 days!


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