Original Art Series by @sharonqian #5 - 月旦评

【Fisherman by the River 江南雨上,一叶孤舟】

Good evening Steemians! I am so delighted to share another drawing with you all today. When I was creating this drawing, I was traveling in an ancient town in China called Wuzhen. I took many photos there and one photo captured my attention: one single boat floating on the river with one lady washing her vegetables by the river. This scene is an embodiment of my ideal childhood life that I can fish and spend plenty of time with my family. I longed for the feeling this photo gave me: relaxing and stress-free. I cherished every moment of the slow-paced lifestyle I experienced in Wuzhen and I wanted something that can always remind me of the good time I had there. I then modified that photo by Photoshop and started to create the drawing you see below.


Acrylic and markers on 500g drawing paper
Estimated time to create this art: 8 hours

I want to share this artwork with you and I hope you can feel what I feel when I saw this serene, beautiful and nostalgic scene.

@sharonqian All Rights Reserved
Please contact me if you intend to use my arts.
All paintings and drawings in my art series are my original artworks and all still-lifes are set in my art studios in Charlotte and in Nanjing.

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