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Please Give Me a Hand/请为我助力(Original)


First, I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. @rivalhw for his hard work and thanks all the judges. Without your help, we wouldn't have read and enjoyed such posts of high quality.

首次我想要借此帖感谢 @rivalhw大伟哥这几日不停地统计数据和筹办此活动,也感谢所有的评委 @deanliu @lemooljiang @tumutanzi @hqy 和荣誉评委们 @abit @jademont @sweetsssj。如果没有你们的付出,我们就看不到这么优质的作品展示。

Now, I want to recommend my own article again. If you have an interest, plese click here.


错过的爱情 (Original) || 七夕原创微小说

It's my first time that I'd finished writing a hint fiction. I found that some people should like this article, which made me delighted. This essay contest for Double Seventh Festival held by Mr. Dawei made me think for a long time and I was the very person who will take part in any contest. Several days passed, I have read so many posts about this, which included his/her own experience, inspirational articles, novels, stories etc. As time went by, I didn't know what to write. One day, @mrpointp said to me,"Since you want to write something different, you'd better not write your own experience, for it's much of a muchness. Besides, the novels that others wrote may be have a happy ending, so you need to share a different one." Reminded by hime, I finnally complete a satisfying one. ( After all, it was the first time for me, which has given me a sence of achievement. )

这是我第一次写小说,竟然会有人喜欢我的文章,我真的很开心。大伟哥的七夕征文大赛可以说是让我绞尽脑汁,我是那种有活动就一定要参加的人。眼睁睁地看着各位大神们发了一篇又一篇的参赛文,有写个人经历的,有写鸡汤文的,也有写小说写故事的;我越是追求与众不同,越是想不出到底该写什么好, @mrpointp见我如此烧脑,就告诉我:“既然你想写得与众不同,那就最好别写个人经历,因为个人经历大同小异;另外那些写小说故事的人十有八九会把剧情和结尾写得很甜蜜,所以你就应该写得虐一点!” 于是在男朋友的点拨下,终于有了这一篇我自己觉得还挺满意的文章(毕竟第一次写,很有成就感^_^)。

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