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Ten facts one lie challenge 十真一假挑戰

感謝 @perlia 的提名 那我們馬上就開始吧!

1)我的BMI 指數只有 16.3

my BMI only have 16.3

2)我身高175 不高也不算矮 滿尷尬的一個高度

I’m 175cm tall. What an embarrassing height

3)我圍棋有著三級棋力 不過從中三以後就沒再學了(棋力由三十級倒數到一級 再由一段升上九段)

I got level3 in GO chess but I stopped learning it after form three

4)我的臉上一共有十一粒墨 而且還有繼續增加的跡象 不過應該是體質問題吧 有方法去除嗎 挺礙眼的

there are 11 dots on my face, and it seems keep increasing. I guess is because of my body instead of disease , are there method to remove them ?

5)我的crypto 資產只有0.5粒BTC

my crypto asset only got 0.5 BTC


I had only been to Thailand and Japan for trio


I haven’t been to sleep before 12 since I get into secondary

8)我很喜歡買手錶 目前已經擁有四隻手錶了

I love buying watches, and I got four recently


the most expensive things I buy with my own money is earphone

10)我只有一雙鞋子 不論風雨也是穿那一雙

I only got one pair of shoes, no matter what weather I still wear that

11)我是一個很懶的人 曾經要求在房間的燈安裝遙控 因為我不想起床開關燈

I’m super lazy. I tried to ask for installing remote on the light in my room, because I’m lazy to leave my bed to switch on or off the light

首三名猜中的人會各獲得1,0.75,0.5 SBD 的獎項! 剩下的會用作贊助 @kona#dailypetphotograhy 活動。 >the first three person who are able to find out the lie are about to get prize of 1,0.75,0.5 SBD respectively

The rules are here:
①Post 10 facts and 1 lie about yourself
②Invite people to guess (one per person). Offer a prize (SBD, an upvote, comment, or resteem, or your undying devotion)
③Wait until the post payout to reveal the correct answer
④Use the tag tenfactsonelie as one of your five. Tag your friends to do their own!

大家一起來挑戰吧 我要提名 @wilkinshui @htliao @aaronli @colinct @bobowyeahxd @kona