时光旅行“漫天幽灵” // Time Travel "A Sky Full Of Ghosts (featuring @lapants as author)

这个帖子的原作者是 @lapants. 你可以在这里找到原文 :

This post was originally written by @lapants. You can find the original story here:

时光旅行“漫天幽灵” // Time Travel "A Sky Full Of Ghosts"


Think about how old the really Earth is...


Whether you're religious or not, we can all agree that compared to our lifespan, it's pretty damn old. Think of all the billions of people that have walked the very same ground you do. Since the beginning, man has always wanted to travel through time. Now, with today's technology, we finally have the power to do it! Well, kind of.


It all depends on your definition of time travel...


If you mean physically, we can't do that. Well not yet anyway, but we can view it!


Light Travel

《Family Guy》的制片人塞思麦克法兰,在Netflix制作了一档新的电视节目叫《科斯莫斯:时空奥德赛》。这篇文章的灵感就来自于塞思的“漫天幽灵”系列,那个系列进一步解释了这个主题。

The producer of Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane, produces another TV show on Netflix called 'Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey'. This post was inspired by an episode from Seth's series 'A Sky Full Of Ghosts', which explains this subject much further.


In this episode Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about how most of the stars you see every night aren't even shining anymore. Some died long ago. Light can only travel so fast which means that at some distances in space, the images we're seeing from the stars can be from hundreds or even thousands of years ago.


Did you know there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on this planet?


That's pretty huge considering the stars can be anywhere from the size of the Earth, to sizes bigger than you could even imagine.


This is the size of our galaxy the Milk Way...


and this is our galaxy compared to a small part of our observable universe.


There are estimated to be over 100 BILLION galaxies in our universe, some much bigger than our own.

宇宙大约460亿光年长,并且在不断扩大。当你在处理广泛的距离时,你会听到“光速”这个术语,它指的是光速的速度。光速是每秒299,792 公里,或每小时670,615,605英里,在很短的时间内这真是一个令人难以置信的距离。

The universe is about 46 billion light years long and constantly still expanding.When you're dealing with distances that wide, you'll hear the term 'light speed', which refers to the speed at which light travels. Light speed is 299,792 kilometers per second, or 670,615,605 miles per hour, which is an incredible distance in just a short amount of time when you really think about it.


So is time travel real?


Technically speaking, you could see any event that's ever taken place on Earth as long as you're far enough in space. Somewhere far out there, if you looked at our planet, you would see the Titanic sinking... If you traveled even farther, you'd see the Romans conquering the world.


If you went even further, you would see dinosaurs roaming around. Maybe that's the reason no one wants to visit us...




What's your opinion?

Now that you have an idea of how big the universe is and how light speed works, I want to know your opinions on it!

Leave a comment and share with others!

Photos Credits:

www.static.dnaindia.com, www.sidereel.com, www.universetoday.com, www.astronomy.com

这个帖子的原作者是 @lapants. 你可以在这里找到原文 :

This post was originally written by @lapants. You can find the original story here:

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