New Closest To The Pin Contest πŸ“ˆπŸͺ™ The S100 Silver Continuous Contract (Nymex) & Last Contest Gold Winner! πŸͺ™

New Closest To The Pin Contest πŸ“ˆπŸͺ™
The S100 Silver Continuous Contract (Nymex)


  • The S100 Silver Contract is the new game! What will it be Friday 5/24/24 at market close (5PM)
  • Have guess in by Friday Afternoon a week prior on 5/17/24 (5PM)


Rules/Here’s how it works πŸ‘‡

  • Winner gets all HBD author rewards!
    & Bonus Top Off

  • Guess what you think the S100 Silver Continuous Contract (Nymex) will be Friday 5/24/24 (5PM)

  • Have guess in by Friday
    Afternoon 5/17/24 (5PM)

  • Upvote Post… Minimum is .02 Cents USD value. If a new member in the #silvergoldstackers community whose upvote is under please just vote 100% and it’s ok if under minimum. Any regular is grandfathered in but vote less then minimum must be 100% vote. The prize comes from the rewards and it’s only fair to the big accounts voting we filter out spam guesses. If a larger account please keep in mind reward comes from this and please consider voting more then minimum. Much appreciated!

  • If a tie occurs -
    There will be no ties for same amount! Only tie can be if it’s different guesses but same exact difference in cents, so one up and one down from actual price exact same amount! In case of same guess the first comment only counts or the one not edited if edit is present.

  • Not price is right rules!
    It doesn’t matter if it’s higher or lower
    to price! Just closest!

Cheers and good luck my friends 🍻 Have a great weekend πŸ‘


Gold Closest To The Pin Guesses ⬇️

@thebighigg - $2466.00
@ninahaskin - $2456.00
@itharagaian - $2447.90
@ekavieka - $2446.00
@geneeverett - $2444.42
@servelle - $2436.00
@davedickeyyall - $2420.00
@mirroredspork - $2398.71
@rafzat - $2390.58
@methodofmad - $2369.15 *****
@thegoliath - $2362.24
@silvers510 - $2331.00
@kerristravenhill - $2328.00
@jrrodriguez - $2319.00
@fw206 - $2313.00
@ashleesart - $2301.00
@jfang003 - $2250.00

Weekly Close Price - $2366.90


Winning Guess is @methodofmad

With guess of $2369.15 πŸ™Œ


Prizes Sent πŸ‘

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