Dont have cloaking tech MY ASS! BOOY! we been had this...

yea see this is from over 10 years ago
i saw a another guy filming chemtrailling planes and another plane flew right threw the chemtrail and u see a perfect sky blue airplane shape pass threw the chemcloud trail
is funny shits man
using ur inner awareness is amasing i watched this years ago but never noticed the lid on the tank pop open when the tank stops
cause a guy gets out and u can feel someone does and there running around but u cant seem them till they run back in the video and see the slight cloaking tech disortions... course if it was perfect u wouldn't see anything but even et's fuckup sometimes accidnetly..... or just turn it off on purpose

i seen this couple times in past few years but always questioned it til just now....

i guess they using invisiblity cloakes now sense so many of us are waking up .... to the fact they are doing this bullshit ur proof of it ur filiming it so there like shit better start hiding all our planes 2 keep the earth population down as long as possible.... u cant stop us demons GET OTTTA OUTA OUR REALITY ! GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! WE HAVE A RIGHT TO HEALTHY HAPPY PLANET U JERKOFFFS

good job my friend! ive seen dark black looking chemtrails dont know wtfh that shit was.... but definately illegal poison.... we are the super heros we been waiting for guys they wanna use laser cannons on our neighboorhoods we should build them and use them on there planes see how the like it u fagots! btw u can just hit them with magic aka directed energy magic beams cause WE GODS HOE! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY U GUYGS ARE FUCKED OLD PISS ORDER ORRRDER OF PISS FOR UR FACE BITCHES!

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