A clock that counts thousands of years

The owner of Amazon and the space research company Blue Origins Jeff Bezos owns a mountain in the state of Texas. And if that's not enough to be impressed, Bezos has found out what is the right thing to use for his mountain. And this is a giant mechanical clock that is designed to work for 10,000 or more years. But what is the true story behind this unusual and striking project of Bezos, which will cost about $ 42 million?

In fact, the idea is of the scientist and inventor Danny Hills, who has been the author of the idea a few years ago. Hills has decided that it will be very interesting to construct a watch that really can withstand the test of time . It will only count the time once a year, and it will have an arrow for centuries that will move once every 100 years and will accurately count the time for 10,000 years or even more. "Probably, within the life of this watch, the United States itself will no longer exist," Bezos said. He confirmed that the construction of a 152 meter high clock has already begun in the Sierra Diablo mountain range.

Source: www.brightside.me , https://pixabay.com

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