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How smart marketing can help grow your business?

 You have a business that you want to grow. So you chalk out a  decent marketing plan, but it repeatedly misfires and fails to give you  the desired results. Now you’re dangerously low on your marketing budget  with barely any leads to show. Turns out that the source you were  betting on wasn’t so great. But how could you know? Well, smart marketing is all about investing in places where you’ll  get the maximum returns. And how do you judge where those places are?  We’ll get to it soon. Smart Marketing: What’s the buzz all about? Considered as a blueprint for marketing practitioners, SMART expands  to: Specific, Measurable, Attainable or Achievable, Realistic and  Time-bound goals, which enable you to outline your marketing approach  successfully. As described in this post on, here is what smart marketing is all about:  

  • Specific: Setting goals that are specific and volumetric is  essential; not like “I want more traffic”. Set measurable objectives  with suitable deadlines. Answer the 5 “w”s viz. what, why, when, where  & who.
  • Measurable: Ensure your goals are measurable and can be  tracked in terms of numbers. Avoid using jargon like brand management or  social-media influence to define your goals. Your indicators must be  quantifiable with answers to questions like “how much” & “how many”.  A cloud-based tool is a great way to track this. A Virtual Number, for instance, can help you track which campaign drew maximum leads.
  • Attainable or Achievable: The more attainable your marketing  goals are, the better motivated your employees will be. Take time to  decipher your mantra for marketing and set executable objectives that  can be realistically attained and sustained by your personnel. An  achievable goal will certainly answer the most common yet powerful  question of “how”.
  • Realistic: Which brings us to this point! Judicial resource  planning is essentially what being ‘realistic’ means. Your objectives  should be in sync with your resources and capabilities whether it is  your product, your staff, and distribution network or your feedback  mechanism in question, you should be able to set objectives keeping all  aspects in mind.
  • Timed: Create a timeline for execution of your marketing  plan. Schedule a beginning and end for your plan while allowing you to  project, execute, monitor, analyze and adjust your plan at regular time  intervals. Divide tasks by bifurcating them down from annually to  monthly, weekly and daily tasks. Your cloud telephony solution should be  able to give you real-time analytics of your business to help you  monitor your day-to-day operations effectively.

Smart marketing ideas to help sprout business So this is the easiest way of boosting your business profitability –  stepping up to smart marketing. When you are listing your marketing  objectives, ensure that they are drawn reasonably and consistently while  indicating your business priorities. Starting with the mission  statement, your marketing plan should flow towards financial objectives  and other aspects which are vital for your business growth. No two marketing campaigns are equal. There will be some which will  bring you more customers while others would bring in better customers.  As obvious it may seem, this still remains baffling as to how marketing  campaigns are designed without testing their outcomes against other  strategies to ensure that the best of the lot has been chosen. This is  where Virtual Numbers come in handy, as discussed above. Using the right  business tools can help you put your money in the right places and  maximize returns. Making the right choice Sometimes when you are trying to strategize your marketing plan from  the innumerable options available, it may feel like you are in a  restaurant which has an unlimited menu. Even if you have a tight budget  you may find that the options available are varied and it can get tough  to pick the best from the rest. Experts advise that smart marketing  tactics should essentially have the following ingredients:  

  • Reach: It should be able to reach your target audience in the most effective way
  • Context: It should be able to provide your audience with a clear message about your product or service
  • Purpose: It should be able to tell your audience as to what to do (Call for action).

So once your marketing strategy is devised, it is ready for  implementation. Picking the right tools for this process can turn a  mammoth task into something as easy as a mouse-click. To know more about Virtual Numbers and how it can help your business, Click Here

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