clean your city and save the planet | Activity 31 May

Hello friends, hope you are having a good day. Today I woke up early in the morning. All housework settled. After having breakfast left home to go to college. Today I had to fill the form in college. The college is far from my village so I have to go by bus. I went to the bus station. Went there and waited for the bus. When the bus came, I sat in the bus and reached another village. Got off the bus and went to college. The college is a little far from the bus station, so I walked to the college. When I went to the college, all the students were standing in line to fill the form. I reached college late so my number didn't come. Then I left college for such a home. It was afternoon so the sun was shining. I came home and rested. In the evening I went to my neighborhood for my daily cleaning. There was a lot of garbage. A road passes nearby there. People throw garbage on the road. Hence dirt spreads there. I don't like our village to be dirty. So I cleaned the garbage lying there.

I would love thank you if you share my post.

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