clean your city and save the planet | Activity 8 Jun

Hello friends, hope you all have a good laugh. Today I got up early in the morning and finished all the housework. Today is my friend's birthday so I wanted to go for a walk. I got everything done early today. The farm also came. Then she came home and got ready. My friend got a call. Then my friend came to pick me up at my house. After we got home, all friends gathered at one place. Today I went to a jungle-like area. The atmosphere there is very nice. The air there was also cold. We all had a lot of fun. Then cut the cake. Then we guys went to the hotel for breakfast. After breakfast everyone went home by themselves. I also got fresh after coming to my house. Then rested for a while. Late I went to the farm with my grandmother. My firewood is also kept there. Garbage was lying nearby. Plastic bags harm the environment a lot. So I cleaned the garbage lying there.

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