clean your city and save the planet | Activity 24 May

Hello friends, today is Wednesday. Today I woke up early in the morning. I also have to do housework. After waking up in the morning, the cows and buffaloes have to be worked and given food. Then I freshen up. After getting fresh, I have tea and breakfast. Today we had to go to work in the field. Food was cut for buffaloes and cows. Worked in the field all day. Lunch was to be had in the farm. My grandmother came with tiffin from my house. I love to eat in the farm. The land then rested in the field for a while. Then started working again. Worked till late evening. Then we guys came home. Came home fresh. Working all day is tiring. Then I went to my nearest area for my daily cleaning. Ours was also lying around. Plastic bags were lying near it. I went there and filled all the garbage in a bag and came home and threw it in the garbage bucket.

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