clean your city and save the planet | Activity 21 May

Hello friends, today I woke up early in the morning. Got up in the morning and worked on buffaloes and cows. Cleaning has to be done first thing in the morning. Then when water comes, water has to be filled. Today was Sunday. So our village had no light. It comes and goes a few times. He could not even stay in the house due to the heat. Today I went to the farm. Today I had to clean everything in the field. Other plants have grown around the crop. All that has to be cleaned. There is a field nearby. All the trees are also grown around. There I saw plastic bags. There is a road nearby so the garbage on the road was thrown there. I don't like our planet not being clean. Dirt has also spread disease. All the farmers go through that road. Farmers also suffer losses due to waste. I cleaned all the garbage so that no one gets hurt.

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