clean your city and save the planet | Activity 23 May

Hello friends, hope everyone is having a good laugh. I woke up early this morning. Got up in the morning and everything worked. I didn't have much work today. Today I cleaned all the house. I had to stay home this vacation. I had to go out for a walk. But I was refused from home. Plowing is going on in the field now. One has to go to the farm and see if everything is done properly or not. Garbage is also lying around the farm. All the farmers in our village also do animal husbandry apart from farming. All farmers have cows and buffaloes at home. I went there and saw all the garbage. Then started my cleaning. Not all humans keep our planet clean. Throws garbage anywhere and spreads dirt. Disease can also spread in the village due to dirt. Our village is not very big. We don't like our village not to be clean. It is necessary to have cleanliness in the village. So I filled the garbage lying there in a bag.

I would love thank you if you share my post.

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