Gaël Liardon, Trio en sol majeur, mvt I

Gaël Liardon (18 December 1973 – 21 October 2018) was a Swiss classical keyboard player, composer and academic.

In his short live he wrote many work for organ. These beautiful works are characterized by stylistic purity, clear voice guidance and musical simplicity. Liardon died at the age of only 44, but remains alive in his music.

His music can be downloaded from IMSLP, but also at his own website: Not al his works are available on imslp so his own website is worth a visite.

One of these works is his (unfinished) Triosonata in g major.

As customary with Liardon, it is a well written work. The first part has similarities with the first part of Bach's Triosonata, BWV 530, but also with the choral trio "Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn", BWV Anh II 55.

As a tribute to Liardon, and his date of death, here's my rendition of the first part of Liardon's Triosonata. I'll try and upload the second part tomorrow of the day after.


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