How to improve your dance?

Hey! Hi! In this post I will talk about how to improve your dance, of course, from a personal point of view, based on what has been my process, it is not a "formula" either, but it can serve as a guide in some aspects, I hope you enjoy this note!

Listen to a lot of music!

This will help to better identify the times of the songs, their different nuances, to differentiate also the orchestras and what they want to transmit, as well as, corporally, to be able to interpret the different notes and tones that they present to us.


Give yourself the time, in some practice/milonga or reviewing videos on the internet, to observe people who have more experience of dancing in their bodies, analyze how they are movements, techniques or transmitting to dance and try to make yours some of these (for later study and see how, corporally, they work), the process of trying to assimilate knowledge in this way is not instantaneous but with which your mind keeps, you will be able, at a subconscious level to work it and eventually your body will work them.


Also important, is to read about tango (or whatever you dance), document its history, origins, read, read, watch documentaries, if you have the opportunity to talk with musicians, review experiences, all this will help, in my opinion, to give more consistency also to your dance (in terms of why).

Attend practice/milongas

Having many hours of dance on the dance floor, will help you to become more fluid within this one, adapt you also to different types of people and their dance styles, it will also help you to "unlock" and release more your body when using the resources that you are assimilating / learning (this is fought a lot, as there is always a gap between your mind and body when translating what you think to what you dance).

Take classes? Important?

Leave for the end point, what I think is the anchorage point, attend classes constantly (groups or individuals also if you can), add seminars for specific contents.

Look for teachers who also adjust to what you are looking for/need (since we also have levels (basic, intermediate and advanced), this will help you to grow a lot, since you can correct your technique, learn and eventually create your figures (let's be creative!).), I recommend, from time to time, to change teachers as well, because this way you will also stay "awake" bodily-mentally and will get you out of your comfort zone (which I think is also very important, so that we can advance and open up in more dimensions also our corporal expression).

All of the above will also help you to provide better dance experiences for those who dance with you in milongas/practices, also help you personally as an individual, because once we started in tango (or the dance of your choice) we are no longer the same as in the beginning.

As a personal reflection, I think that to grow our dance, we must also grow mentally, spiritually and physically, because these aspects are combined when it comes to dancing (You are not only human beings, we are not just one thing, but the sum of several things), and whatever you do and are passionate about, don't give your 100%, give your 1000%.

A milonguero hug, see you on the dance floor!

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