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The Polarizing Event Of Our Age


It's so weird and intense to live in these times. Emotions are running high and even those who have worked on grounding themselves for years, on seeing through the bullshit and recognizing control structures that are working against the interest of most human beings... are challenged by these recent events of turmoil to their core.

There is like a longing in me for reality to find its level somewhere, to snap into some kind of new normal, but a normal that is free and that brings with it self-realization. A thousand years of peace and dancing. Where is it?!

We witness a polarizing event of proportions none of us would have believed possible; the worn-out virus scenario of all things! What a bad movie it is.

Wat pains me most is not the hardships my lady and me have been going through as much as seeing our aware brothers and sisters on Earth struggle to the fullest. Being caged like this comes even harsher to those who have been looking for their freedom for so long. To those who think they like the cage or even need the cage - it's just a new phase in the same old way of life. But I find I cannot even imagine who to reach those people now. I wish them all the best of luck for the times ahead.

Ever since realizing the world is rigged by some shady interests I have decided to work on myself and to help others who see through it to help themselves. More than anything I feared one day sitting in the exact same boat as the masses of society who believe all the fairytales of our day and age without question, with all those people who never believed any of my warnings that this sort of development is exactly what had been written on the walls for years or even for decades.

And so, while I find myself in different circumstances than most - living in a van with a woman I love and can count on, with all the basics in tools and electricity, having learnt how to survive in a car longterm in foreign places - I still feel like this polarizing event has left deep scars on many of us out there who have been looking for a more meaningful way to live. We don't fear the virus, we fear the abandaonment of human memories.

Everyone has scars now because of covi. Not only people who never asked any questions and are now suffering financially and in their health as a consequence of all the heavyhanded restrictions... but also scars those who have prepared themselves for years because they saw that the actual face of the matrix would reveal itself to everyone one day. I feel we are now suffering because we are so disappointed in the lack of human insight of so many people we meet.

The revealing moment has come, and seeing how it still seems not enough to shake awake the majority of humanity I feel more and more that a polarizing future seems likely. A future where those ready to make some tough choices and to use what they have learnt for their advantage and that of their tribe will thrive because of this forced coming into maturity of our self-studies... and where those still blisterfully asleep accept increasingly outrageous and evil offers to dehumanize themselves, trusting what they learned must still be correct in light of the obvious contradiction of actuality around them.

I really hope we will look back at this time as milestone that helped all those with good hearts to reach a place where they can build something new. You know we want to live differently than our parents have. But this new "civilization" route we are forced into right now is not an option at all.

Why do I keep thinkin of the Atlantis-demise story so often? Maybe the situation back then was similar to what we are seeing now. An empire / an old way of being curmbles and not everyone will see through it in time.

There will be a split. Sooner than later. Maybe now. We are in the midst of it.
I pray for all who are looking to find a pathway. And for all the others to start looking before it is too late.


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