Rebel News reports the story of a young mother who, against her better judgement, took one dose of Moderna’s so-called “vaccine” and now is injured possibly for life.

We all know Natalie Klein as a fighter for small businesses and freedom. The central Alberta barbershop owner and niece of former Premier Ralph Klein re-opened her business to clients against the lockdown restrictions and ended up with two lockdown tickets, a fight for her Charter rights and a brand new lawsuit against the Alberta government and the police for abuse of process…
But did you know that in July, Natalie was also in a fight for her life? She had a catastrophic adverse reaction to the Moderna vaccine that has left her with a neurological injury and cardiovascular issues.

Justin Trudeau is accomplishing the destruction of Canada as he was meant to do. He and Joe Biden and the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand are just about as autonomous as robots. The consoles that operate them are elsewhere, in Brussels and/or Geneva, the headquarters of GAVI.

Justin Trudeau, PM of Canada, a man who has declared that Sharia Law is compatible with Canadian values, has announced his intention to use a billion dollars of our tax money to turn Canada into an open air prison by funding Vaccine Passport rollouts in all the provinces as well as establishing a federal V-pass. He’ll be greased into re-election on September 20 and this plan will go ahead just as similar regimes will be enacted by the other robot window dummies finagled into permanent office in Australia and New Zealand.

Sharia law is completely compatible with the new Trudeau Canada. We’ve had Human Rights Tribunals busily destroying human rights and burying our poor weak Charter of Rights and Freedoms in drumhead arbitrary judgements for years now. Women are being assigned to a legalistic limbo with no protection for any women-only spaces now that men can declare themselves to be women, compete in women’s and girls’ sports and enter women’s washrooms and even male rapists can get themselves transferred to women’s prisons. Now we’ll all be masked for the duration of Covid, a duration that will never end; what with the growing popularity of black masks we’ll even look like a Sharia Law country.

BC is already going to attempt to Gestapo-ize the province with a V-pass. Little martinets will demand our papers to board the ferry to Vancouver Island. Any government outlet or service which is arbitrarily deemed non essential will be demanding my V-pass, so I guess I’ll not be patronizing the government liquor store. If the private stores knuckle under and demand my papers to enter and spend my money, my liver will thank me for becoming sober for life. It looks like I’ll never see my family members on Vancouver Island as long as I live. I don’t have the human right to freedom of movement that I foolishly thought our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and our laws and our courts guaranteed to me. Not in Justin-World.

Because there is no way in hell – a proper description for Justin-World – that I will risk losing my life or my mind or my dignity to take an injection I know to be dangerous to me or apply for a document that the Nuremberg Code declared to be anathema. I’ve got ten more years more or less to live, Lord willing and the crick don’t rise. I want to embark on the eternity road with my mind and my soul intact, please God. As the old Gospel song says, there’s a train a-comin’ for me and to get on board I don’t need no ticket (much less a tyrant’s pass) I’ll just thank the Lord.

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