CineTV Contest: Vincent Anton Freeman

When talking about favorite fictional character, Vincent Anton Freeman from the movie Genetic Experiment came to my mind all at once.



This character hooked me because since he was born he was destined to failure, this because of the context of the movie in which medical tests are done to determine if he qualifies to be a valid or an invalid, falling him in the second group, so much so that his father gives him a name that would not link him to him because he was a being destined to live in anonymity, in the background.



This generated in me a bond with Vincent. He was not strong, not healthy, much less intelligent and his prognosis within his category was among the least desirable even for them, plus he had to fight against what everyone called destiny, him wanting to be an astronaut did not have the minimum profile, his family did not support him and according to the social conditions, nothing he did could change that.

I remember watching this movie when I was a kid and I saw myself reflected. Both with a dream, both with the duty to make extra efforts to prove that it is possible, and yet rejected. Despite this, they do not stop and look for possible alternatives and show that what is called destiny, in the film they call it genetics, is not everything, because beyond that is the individual conviction, a message that one of the scenes leaves us with the phrase:

"There is no gene for the human spirit."

Which is completed with a denunciation that today has more validity, although I do not know much about acting the phrase is emblematic:

"They have you looking hard for any defect, that after a while that's all you see."



What I would change about the movie is the cheating to qualify as valid. I think that's what gets to Vincent in the end of the play and that's what makes **Irene despite helping him let him go.
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