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Vintage TV: Stingray


It seems like if you wanted to be a really cool television show in the 80's and you wanted to be guaranteed to have only one or two seasons you needed to have a one word title. That was pretty much a given.

Last week I covered the show Probe that was unfortunately short lived.

This week I am going to talk about the show Stingray. You can check out the Wiki page if you really want to dig into it. What I remember about the show was the fact that it had a really cool car. duh!

Okay, no really, it had a pretty cool premise and I want to talk about that.

The lead character was some sort of investigator or just run of the mill good guy for hire. The twist on that common theme was the fact that he never accepted payment for the jobs he did. Instead, he would ask for a favor. Not just any favor, but a favor at some point in the future. If he solved your problem, you would be required to return that favor no questions asked.

If you think about it, it was a pretty genius concept. You could eventually have a whole network of specialists at your beck and call should you need them.

As I think back on the show there are a lot of aspects that remind me of "Pretender" that was an awesome show. Additionally, reading the Wiki, it almost sounds like the lead character "Ray" had mild superpowers. I don't remember that so much.

For example some of his skills were listed as:

  • Photographic memory
  • Speed reading
  • Ability to slow down his heart rate
  • Hacking
  • Martial arts

I mean, looking back now you can see how it seems a little silly. At the time it was absolutely a blast. I think you can watch the entire two seasons on Amazon if you want to give it a spin.

I highly recommend it. I was really disappointed when this show got cancelled.

Check it out on IMDB here.
