Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas! 🎄 It's that magical time of year! I wanted to show off my Christmas lights! Here is the base lights. My wife and I had an interesting time getting what we got. It's was an adventure including multiple stores, until we got the display lights from an Ace Hardware. These are the multi colored lights on the house. I really like the stripping on the trees, though. Having these tall red wood trees in our front yard was interesting to decorate. Needed a pretty tall ladder.


Then we added our center piece.


Tiss the Christmas Rooster! 🐓 🎄🐓🎄🐓🎄


It's actually this wireframed piece of art to resemble a Rooster that was giving to our son. It has a spot to put a plant, but I just wanted to wrap it in lights! Even got a green eye!



We wish you an amazing Christmas, and a happy new year! If you don't celebrate, that's cool! We need to give much love and support to all our loved ones. All the people in our communities, all around the country, and around the whole world are especially in need of our love and gratitude these days! For me, the essence of this time of year, is all about coming together. Whether it's holding the door open, sparring some change, giving a compliment, acts of random kindness can pierce the ice of these cold times to speed seeds of a warm and bright and loving future! This is theWay!

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