Merry Christmas 2019!

n4zt0b7tmx.jpgMerry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020!

I want to thank everyone who has supported and entertained me throughout the year.
Too many to name individually, but I don’t think I would still be here if it weren’t for you. Family, friends, Adelaide Steemians, twitter followers and other social media.

I will do a recap of the year sometime in the new year and I have a lot of posts lined up for your reading pleasure. I have a lot of plans for this platform and it’s largely going to be about making them happen.

Thank you so much for being here when I needed you the most. I hope that I can return the favour in the new year.

Please stay safe over the Christmas / holiday season and I want to see you all again in 2020.

Merry Christmas everyone! Let’s make 2020 into the most fun, funny and fantastic year that we most possibly can.

I am so excited!

1jyswarijg.jpgShaidon’s Seasonal Seal Of Approval

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