

A very committed spirit-filled Christian sister, so revered and trusted for many years got pregnant without a husband in a church! 

The leadership of the Church was so disappointed because this sister has been so faithful for many years and was a reference point to the youth, the spinsters and everyone in the church. The church had prayed for her marriage since she was 24years of age, but no brother showed interest. 

All the people that showed interest asking for her hand in marriage were either wealthy Moslems, or divorcees or people that wanted her as second or third wife!

She had prayed, waited on God, gone from one mountain to the other, seen prophets upon prophets, sewn seeds of faith everywhere she went! She had even vowed many vows like Hannah, yet no genuine believer came!

She just celebrated her 45th birthday!

She knew that menopause was setting in, and she needed a child of her own because she was an only child of her family! 

She started reading some medical journals, consulted with medical practitioners,  and after a lot of correspondence and medical counselling, paid the hospital to do artificial insemination for her so that she can have her own baby.

Her effort paid off and she is now heavily pregnant!

Her new condition is noticed by the church! This holy sister is pregnant without marriage. 

The church committee calls her and accosted her with much sorrow why she should let the church down like this, she is to be disciplined to authenticate the non compromising stand of the church and to serve as deterrent to other youths who might be thinking that direction!

When she was called into the midst of the committee, she tendered all correspondence between her and the hospital, the journals she read, the doctors appointment, the receipts for the insemination. She did not commit fornication nor adultery with anybody. She said she was getting past the age and no husband was coming; and even if she gets a husband today, it is not likely at her age, she could take in immediately! So she decided to take this step!

What is your opinion child of God?

What sin has she committed?

How do you think God looks at her from heaven?

If you are her Pastor, what will you do to her and how will you handle the situation in relation to other spinsters?

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