The need to forgive


As long as we are humans walking the earth, one thing I know for certain is that we will all make mistakes and will continue to do so as long as we remain in this flesh. There is no single perfect person in this whole wide World and if this is true, we must be ready to forgive others their wrongs when they acknowledge it and ask for our forgiveness. For if you don't forgive others their imperfections, how do you expect other people and God to forgive your own imperfections?

I know sometimes, we put a lot of trust in people and expect so much from them and when they fail us, it really feels like a big blow which is normal especially for someone you really trust. I believe that is why scripture even goes ahead to say "woe to he that puts his confidence in man". Man will always fail you so, maybe you should not expect too much just so you don't end up too disappointed or too hurt. Mortal man will always fail no matter who he/she is but only one person will never fail and that is the man Jesus Christ our Lord.

Put your trust in him instead and you will not be disappointed for sure. With that said, I can only implore that we learn to forgive others. If not for them, for ourselves. When we carry grudges and unforgiveness,the real prisoner is not the person you hold a grudge against but you make yourself a prisoner in your own heart. Don't you just feel the freedom and peace that comes with forgiveness and letting things go? A peace we can hardly attest to when we harbour unforgiveness.

Let us therefore not enslave ourselves in hatred or the bondage of unforgiveness. I have seen people lead unhappy lives and stagnant ones too simply because they could not forgive others who wronged them. Time passed by but they never moved on. They were living in the past and so was their progression in life. It is not worth sacrificing another moment of your life for someone who wronged you talk less of years of unfruitfulness. Do you know your inability to forgive the person who wronged might be the reason things are not going too well for you at a particular time, the reason why you're not making any progress in your life, the cause of your stagnancy?

Unforgiveness carries so much power over us and the minute we let it have it's way, your enemy the devil will use that to accuse you before the Father every day. Forgive and let things go and I tell you, you will lead a happy and peaceful life if not a very blissful one. Always remember, we are all imperfect beings striving towards perfection by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are a work in progress and so you should not let the works of an imperfect someone like you hinder God's own work and move in your own life.

Hope this blesses someone..

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