Two paths through a Valley • Psalm 27

What makes you when the pressures of life seem impossible support?

Travel through the Valley of sorrow are inevitable and painful, but God not wasted. Tests of life can help US know better.

In our impotence, we find the power of God for sostenernos. In our despair, God calls US to experience your peace. Our pain, it becomes our dildo and case. In our hopelessness, it up our eyes to see your kindness. Also, in the middle of the crisis discover issues that have to do with ourselves. Times terrible prove our faith and reveal our true character. When a crisis hits for the first time, most we alarmamos. But at that point, we can take one of two roads very different. The way of fear. If our relationship with the Lord is weak, fear can make US panic, search Council wrong, blame people or God by the problem, or try to find out by our own. The way of faith. On the other hand, if our faith is strong, we will pass the alarm to trust, looking to the Lord through prayer and his word. What we were able to have faith in him to meet their promises despite the alleged evidence otherwise, and recalling how helped US in the past. Thus, our fortitude and confidence in the Lord strengthens. Each adversity that God allows in our life is designed to help US mature, not to destroy US. When we surrender to the Lord in the middle of a crisis, he we empowered to wait patiently and hope.

God bless you!

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