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POSTURE OF A BLESSED MAN 2: Wisdom and Knowledge (Sitting)

The knowing of purpose of a man lead to action lead to action to be taking in fulfilling the purpose. Today study we shall look deeply on what Wisdom and Knowledge has in store for in relation to A BLESSED MAN

Bible Reading: Eph. 1 v 9 - 18

Golden Verse: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints Eph 1 v 18

What is Wisdom?

From my understanding inspired by God wisdom is two words coming together to made one. Wise and Dominant form the word Wisdom.

In all your getting, get wisdom says the book of Proverb. Wisdom set you high in anything you do. In the review of the Bible text, v 2 mention the Grace of God which we know to be unmerited favor. This Grace of God that is release in passion that we can enjoy now take all human race out of the limitation and put us into his bounty.

What is this limitation? This is a state where Adam and Eve put man kind after there fall in the garden of Eden which cause man limitation to fellowship with God directly. This limitation was cut short by Jesus Crucification on the cross. We are now His children through christ Jesus ( Eph 1 v 5, 7). God put us in Christ Jesus by the spiritual equation that we can understand in the prior of our heart, as we discover our new habitat and we submit to the power in it, then the ability in Christ for him to keep the law will begin to work in us. What is this Law? THE WORD OF GOD.

First View As A Blessed Man: Sitting


What is the meaning of sitting as a blessed man? From the perceptive of small child, the first thing a child learn is how to sit follow by crawling and stand then lastly He or She start to use his or her leg to do business. That is, child growth physical realm. On the real discussion which is spiritual, You Sit to Walk and to Stand.

After the creation of first man (Adam), God rested. The first call to kingdom is to Sit not to do what he has done but to discover what he has done first by sitting. Take your torch (Bible) brethren and begin to search the truth through the spirit of wisdom and revelation, if what you recovery from your study is not based on wisdom and revelation you may be going out of your support.
**Adam was created not to work, but for rest, he was given assignment not a Job. It is a divine purpose and that is what heaven recognize. Read Gen. 1 v 26 over and over again and see the picture of God's plan for Adam.

As one posture of a blessed man is to Sit the divine arrangement brought Man who is totally born again to sit with the father and enjoy his bounty. Eph. 2 v 4 - 6. When we sit and learn in His Word, there is open secret He will reveal to us, that will set pace for our greatness.

When your recovery begin with Wisdom and Revelation a picture is being snap in your inner man and this will be the push everywhere you go.

Prayer Point: Father, let there be divine revelation that will set pace for my greatness.

The series continue watch out and stay blessed.
