An Interesting Fact about the Eclipse

Good Evening!
I'd like to share with you some of the research that I have done on this Eclipse. I know. You are probably sick of hearing all about this eclipse right now, and as I am late to the party because of my short break from Steemit, I would still like to get in a word or two.

Mind you, this post is not trying to prove any points at all. I would simply like to present some facts that I found in my research, and give God the Glory for all the amazing stuff that He has done.

And Elohim said, "Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years,

Berĕshith (Genesis) 1:14

Many believers have their own thoughts about this eclipse. Some say Jesus is coming back this year, some say this is the beginning of the end, and even more are skeptical and don't think the end times are near. There are so many different thought processes, but let's just take a step back and look at God's glory that he shows through not just this eclipse, but the one that will happen in 2024. 7 years from now.

Here's a little fact that I bet you didn't know. Salem, Oregon was named after Jerusalem. (JeruSALEM? Get it?) This year's eclipse passed through 7 different Salems in the united states. Salem Oregon, Salem Idaho, Salem Wyoming, Salem Nebraska, Salem Missouri, Salem Kentucky, and Salem South Carolina. The number 7 is known all throughout the Bible as a number of Creation, good fortune, blessing and more.

As many know this Eclipse started in Oregon and ended in South Carolina. What many don't know is that there is supposed to be another eclipse in 7 years. August 12, 2024. And it is supposed to stretch from Texas to Maine. This creates a picture for us where we see these two paths making a picture over the United States. This picture is the picture of an "X" with an intersection at Little Egypt, Illinois (by the way, Egypt in Scriptures is known to be a reference to the world). But here's a little more interesting fact. What else is there that looks very much like an "X" in hebrew culture? The letter Aleph "א".


According to (where I have gone to do a small amount of research on the Hebrew Language) there is huge significance behind this letter. First this letter has the number "1" associated with it, but more interestingly some Hebrew literature tells a story of Aleph. It is constructed of one "vav" leaning backwards like a "\" with two "Yod's" acting as arms on the Vav. One reaching up to Heaven, and one reaching down to Earth. Furthermore, Aleph is known as the father of the "Aleph-Bet" (the Hebrew alphabet).
How amazing is our God! Putting such an important sign over our country over the span of 7 YEARS! Thank you for reading this post. If you enjoyed it upvote it and please feel free to comment and start a discussion or ask questions.
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