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Outrageous Plan A was implemented


No Plan B could replace God's sacrifice of his own son. It was Jesus or us who had to die.

It would be nothing less than outrageous if a person should sacrifice his child to others. Nothing else is more precious to parents than their children - they are irreplaceable. Therefore, it would be absurd if God would sacrifice his son-and even for us! Was it really necessary?

God created us in love

That God would sacrifice His Son to us opens up more questions about who Jesus is in relation to us. First of all, Jesus is God. God is eternal, immortal and pure. He created us in perfect eternal love; in his love image to look like him. We are looking forward to a new child coming to the world. Wow! Imagine that it looks like me.

How did God create us? Not because he had 'use' for us, but because love flows over because the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit love each other. It is also true, even though the first people rebelled against God. I see the results of it in my everyday life - death, destruction and lack of love. In addition, I can easily forget to thank God because he created me in love.

No Plan B

The Bible tells us that it was not a Plan B that God would sacrifice His Son to us. On the contrary, it was always the plan that Jesus would show how enormous love he has for us; that he would die instead of us. The truth is that we deserve to die. Imagine Jesus chose to die instead of us and thus pay the price of the rebellion against God. The bill is paid.

How can it be true? That Jesus rose from the dead is the proof. "Because death came by man, also the resurrection of the dead has come by a human." 1 Corinthians chapter 15, verse 21. Death could not hold on to Jesus because he had not sinned against God. He volunteered to die for us and take our guilt. Therefore death could not hold him. Therefore, he lives and therefore we can faithfully believe in him.

It's not just outrageous - it's amazing!

