China news roundup / Nachrichten

English news:

New China virus: Number of cases jumps as infection spreads to Beijing

"The number of people infected with a new virus in China tripled over the weekend"

--- So, the number of infected stayed stable for roughly 5 weeks & then suddenly triples? Now that's some strange virus.

"China's National Health Commission on Sunday said the virus was "still preventable and controllable""

--- Yeah, we can see that. Maybe if the PRC regime would actually inform people instead of play down the impact of the disease, but the way Chinese authorities are handling the outbreak doesn't feed any confidence. Point in case:

"It said there had been no cases of the virus spreading from one person to another, but that it had instead crossed the species barrier and come from infected animals"

--- That was Sunday. One day later:

China confirms new coronavirus can spread between humans

"at least two cases had been spread from person to person and medical staff had also been infected"

--- So, finally they confirm the obvious. & about the disease being "controllable and preventable":

"The woman, a Wuhan resident, had planned to go on holiday in South Korea and Japan with five others. She said she developed a fever and muscle pains on Saturday and was prescribed cold medicine by a doctor in Wuhan"

--- So, a doctor (who should probably know about the new virus) in Wuhan simply gives her medicine for cold & then lets her travel to Korea. If the medical professionals in China have no idea what to do, how do you want to control & prevent the disease?

How I became a China sceptic

"The fundamental reason for my growing scepticism is the establishment of a personality cult around President Xi Jinping."

--- A personality cult almost always leads to derangement & delusional decision-making. If Xi stays in power for longer than 10 years, the probability for major failures will grow massively.

"A personality cult makes the adoption of bad policies more likely, as frightened and sycophantic advisers tell the great leader what he wants to hear, rather than what is actually happening."

--- Considering how they miscalculated public opinion & district council elections in HK, it is.
In China itself, for the time being, it won't make much of a difference, though. Commie-nationalist indoctrination was pretty successful. But an economic downturn with some other obviously bad decisions may quickly turn the tide.

Hong Kong police arrest rally organiser accusing him of failing to maintain order

"Lau was arrested because he did not follow the condition stated on the letter of no objection that he had to maintain order"

"Police, in response, said they respected press freedom, and people can file a complaint if they believed they received unreasonable treatment. The complaint will be handled fairly"

--- Joke of the day. Neither do they respect press freedom nor would any complaint be handled fairly. Since the beginning of the protests in June, not one cop has faced any real consequences for misbehaviour.

Police under fire for displaying journalist’s Hong Kong ID card during live stream again

"In the beginning, we did not realise the man being searched was a journalist, and we did not realise that he was conducting a live stream with his phone. We attach importance to privacy, and he can file a complaint if he was not pleased"

--- As can be seen in the included video, this police spokesman is just full of shit.

How China Played Huawei Against Trump: Critical New Security Victory Now In Sight

"No country within the western alliance would buy Russian 5G equipment—if there was any such thing. Why is this any different?"

--- It's so cheap. & we might hurt the feelings of the Chinese if we don't let Huawei in, which might lead to lesser business with China & we wouldn't earn so much money anymore.

China's struggle to move away from coal

"it is now re-opening some coal mines and the country’s Premier Li Keqiang has urged energy officials to promote coal-fired power"

--- Video. Nice example in there. Actually, China prohibits coal use for heating purposes (in some provinces, at least). But because they don't know how to use the gas heater & gas is too expensive, anyway, people keep using coal.

Outrage after Chinese theme park forces pig to bungee jump

"Video footage shows the pig tied to a pole, carried by two men to the top of a tower before being pushed off."

--- Only in China?

Video News:

--- China Uncensored interviews former US ambassador to Taiwan William Stanton:

--- CBC News: "China confirms human-to-human transmission of new coronavirus"

--- DW News: "Deadly coronavirus spreads beyond China"

Not in the news (yet):

Some Wuhan hospitals seem to take the new virus very seriously

--- & here.

Mad Dog Daily staff in HK seems to be target of pro-CCP harassment campaign

People in China now publicly shamed for wearing pyjamas on street

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Mit den Waffen eines Buchhändlers

""drittens sollten sie Hongkong verlassen, wenn ihre Sicherheit auf dem Spiel steht.“ Es bringe nichts, sich zu Tode prügeln oder ins Gefängnis sperren zu lassen."

--- Vernünftiger Mann, wie's scheint. Live to fight another day.

Die Sorge in China wächst und wächst

"Die offizielle Zahl der Erkrankten hat sich im Laufe des Wochenendes mehr als verdreifacht."

--- Nachdem die Zahl wochenlang angeblich stabil war.

"Die Gesundheitskommission bezeichnete die „gegenwärtige epidemische Situation“ des neuartigen Corona-Virus am Montag als „kontrollierbar“."

--- Ganz bestimmt. Besonders, wenn ein Doktor eine Frau mit entsprechenden Symptomen untersucht, ihr ein Erkältungsmittel verschreibt & sie nach Korea reisen läßt. Das weckt Vertrauen:
Erster Corona-Fall in Südkorea nachgewiesen

Neues Virus in China wird von Mensch zu Mensch übertragen

"Die Sicherheit der Menschen und ihre körperliche Gesundheit habe "absoluten Vorrang""

--- Deswegen hat man außerhalb Wuhans wochenlang auch so gut wie nichts unternommen.

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