China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-07-15



China’s economic growth slows amid weak retail spending

"official figures showed the Chinese economy expanding at an annual rate of 4.7% in the second quarter – much weaker than the 5.1% expected by the financial markets"

--- Don't know what these expectations are based upon. Maybe they simply rely on official CCP projections?

"On a quarterly basis, the economy expanded by 0.7% in the three months to June, compared with a downwardly revised 1.5% in the first quarter, the National Bureau of Statistics said."

--- 'Downwardly revised'. That's what China regularly does, to make current numbers appear better.


Xi tackles slow growth as economy 'hits the brakes'

"The rhetoric on state-controlled media has certainly been encouraging.
An editorial in The Global Times said a "wide range of reform-focused polices" are "high on the agenda" and would usher in a "new chapter". Xinhua referred to "comprehensive" and "unprecedented" reforms. The editorial in the People's Daily was headlined on a "new era of reform and opening up", invoking the very phrase Deng coined in 1978."

--- Another BBC article by someone who doesn't seem to know China at all, the title in particular is just ridiculous. Nobody knows yet what emperor Xi will do, or not, but it is highly unlikely that there will be any major changes in policy. This 'encouraging rhetoric' is simply the usual propaganda.

"Some see the meeting as a mere rubber-stamping exercise for decisions that have already been made"

--- Some? Who doesn't?

"Separate data on Monday showed that prices for new homes in June fell at the fastest pace in nine years."

--- A sure sign of economic growth.

cf.: China's plenary session won't offer genuine change, analysts say


China’s emissions of two potent greenhouse gases rise 78% in decade

"By analysing atmospheric observations in nine cities across China from 2011 to 2021, they found that both gases exhibited an increase of 78% in emissions in China and, by 2020, represented 64-66% of global emissions for tetrafluoromethane and hexafluoroethane. However, while levels of fluorocarbon emissions are increasing at an alarming rate, CO2 still accounts for about 76% of total greenhouse gas emissions.
The increase in emissions from China was sufficient to account for the global emission increases over that same period, suggesting that China is the dominant driver in tetrafluoromethane and hexafluoroethane release into the atmosphere globally."

--- Well, look at the positive side of it: The more they grow their emissions now, the more they can reduce later. Ain't that great?


US pressure on Dutch-China links reaches ASML-funded university

"“We get the message to be careful with Chinese students but who is giving all kinds of visas to Chinese students to go to American universities? The US government,” Smits said, citing US visa numbers for Chinese students over the past few years"

--- True. But I guess that the US is a bit more careful with its background checks. In Europe there is still too much complacence.


Police hunt mayor accused of being Chinese spy

"Police could not carry out a warrant for the arrest of Alice Guo over the weekend as she was not at any of her known addresses.
[...] The Senate ordered the arrest of Ms Guo and some members of her family last Friday after she twice snubbed summons to appear in hearings on the scam centres."

--- She is obviously totally innocent.



China's northern region on high alert for heavy rainfall



--- China Uncensored: "Xenophobia Has Run WILD in China"


--- CNA: "China's economic recovery eyed as top leaders gather for key policy meeting"



Chinas Wirtschaft verliert an Schwung

"Die chinesische Wirtschaft ist zuletzt überraschend wenig gewachsen."

--- Überraschend wäre höchstens, daß überhaupt Wachstum verkündet wird. Aber wir kennen ja die KPCh.

"Für das Gesamtjahr strebt die chinesische Staats- und Parteiführung ein Wirtschaftswachstum von rund fünf Prozent an - ein Ziel, das möglicherweise weitere Anreize und Konjunkturmaßnahmen erfordert."

--- Ein Ziel, das sowieso nur auf Märchenzahlen basiert.

"Die chinesische Zentralbank scheint derzeit nicht bereit, die Kreditvergabe durch niedrige Zinsen zu erleichtern."

--- Grmpf... Die Schreiberin hat echt keine Ahnung. Die Kreditnachfrage ist das Problem. Würde durch minimal niedrigere Zinsen auch nicht besser.


Drittes Plenum: Chinas Wirtschaft wächst langsamer als erwartet – „sozialer Vulkan brodelt“

"Es gäbe durchaus Wege, sowohl das Vertrauen der Unternehmen zu stärken als auch die lokalen Finanzen zu verbessern, sagt der Wissenschaftler. Er schlägt dafür vor, Staatskonzerne aus nicht-strategischen Bereichen zu privatisieren. Als Beispiel nennt er den Schnapshersteller Moutai, der mehrheitlich der hochverschuldeten Provinzregierung von Guizhou gehört. Ein Verkauf des Spirituosenproduzenten wäre „ein starkes Signal“ an die Privatwirtschaft – und könnte frisches Geld in die Kassen der Lokalregierung bringen. Die übergeordnete Frage sei, ob die Staatsführung privaten Unternehmen künftig wieder mehr Freiräume gebe oder die Kontrolle weiter erhöhe."

--- Echt jetzt? Kann man nur ernsthaft fragen, wenn man Kaiser Xis Politik der vergangenen Jahre nicht wahrgenommen hat.



Hilfsarbeiter in China - "Ich möchte einfach mehr verdienen"


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