China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-05-27



New Textbook Reveals Xi Jinping’s Doctrine of Han-centric Nation-Building

"the Constitution promises “regional autonomy” so these minorities can “exercise the power of self-governing” (Xinhua, March 22, 2018). This includes the right to “use and develop” their own language and culture. Xi’s new doctrine, in contrast, demands their subservience to Han norms, and the slow erasure of their languages, cultures, and identities—making the PRC’s minorities, in a sense, colonial subjects of a new Han empire."

--- Internationalism with Chinese Han characteristics.

"The Zhonghua race, according to this theory, emerged some two million years ago with a distinctly Chinese group of hominids. It then organically grew by drawing in and absorbing surrounding peoples into its superior Huaxia-cum-Han core, expanding in size and geographic distribution without either interruption or division. Like a giant “snowball (雪球)” in Fei Xiaotong’s words. In this story of national becoming, Tibetan, Mongol, Uyghur, and other indigenous peoples exist only in their genetic service to an eternally evolving, Han-centric “mega-community (超大规模共同体).”"

--- 2m years? So, we can expect a vast expansion of that 5000-year Chinese history claim sooner or later.

"Unlike the West, it is claimed, China never engaged in colonial expansion or cultural hegemony. Rather, the tolerance, peace, and openness of Zhonghua civilization led to its natural growth. It therefore surpasses the clash of civilizations, colonialism and plundering, and law of the jungle. China, the textbook argues, pioneered a “new pattern of human civilization,” one that transcends both the superstructure of the empire and nation-state"


"“The Zhonghua race is absolutely not an ‘imagined community,’” the authors write, “but rather a mega-national community imbued with the traditions of more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization”"

--- Oh well, OK then, it's not Internationalism anymore, it's mega-nationalism. So, can we call Chinese commies then mega-nazis?


China, Japan, South Korea agree to strengthen ties, push for denuclearised Korean peninsula in rare summit

"In a joint statement issued after the talks, the countries used language that has been deployed many times before to reaffirm their commitment to the “denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula”"

--- Many times before, maybe. But NK seems to be irate, anyway, that China agreed to this.

China calls on Japan and South Korea to reject ‘protectionism’ in trilateral summit

"China on Monday urged Japan and South Korea to reject “protectionism” and uphold free trade"

--- & just to show how serious Beijing is about rejecting protectionism & upholding free trade, today the CCP announced:


China is pumping another $47.5 billion into its chip industry

"The latest investment vehicle is the third phase of the China Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund. The “Big Fund,” as it is known, was officially established in Beijing on Friday, according to the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System.
The first phase of the fund was set up in 2014 with 138.7 billion yuan ($19.2 billion). The second phase was established five years later, with a registered capital of 204.1 billion yuan ($28.2 billion). "

--- Free market with Chinese characteristics.



America’s military has the edge in space. China and Russia are in a counterspace race to disrupt it



--- China Uncensored: "The Coming Genocide of Taiwan"


--- ABC News (AUS): Xi Jinping wants China to be 'prepared' for invasion of Taiwan by 2027

--- WION: China preparing armada of ferries to invade Taiwan, says Report



Gipfeltreffen in Seoul: China, Japan und Südkorea reden wieder miteinander

"Zur Lage in Nordkorea bekräftigen die drei den Willen, „Frieden, Stabilität und Wohlstand auf der koreanischen Halbinsel“ aufrechtzuerhalten. Zur Frage der Denuklearisierung habe man jeweilige Positionen ausgetauscht."

--- Hmm, in englischen Medien heißt es, daß man sich geeinigt hat, die Denuklearisierung zu fordern. & der olle Kim ist gar nicht amüsiert.
Außerdem hat China mal wieder dazu aufgefordert, dem Protektionismus abzuschwören. Während man in der Heimat gleichzeitig wieder riesige Subventionen beschließt:


China investiert Milliarden in Chip-Fonds

"China will mit umgerechnet knapp 44 Milliarden Euro die eigene Chip-Industrie stärken. Das ist der bisher größte Halbleiter-Investitionsfonds des Landes. Zwei Milliarden-Fonds zur Chip-Förderung hatte die Volksrepublik bereits aufgelegt."

--- 'Protektionismus ist nur das, was die anderen machen.'


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