China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-05-21



China is trying to end its ‘epic’ property crisis. The hard work is just beginning

"Some analysts estimate that hundreds of billions of dollars might be necessary to clear the backlog of millions of empty or unfinished homes across the country. Ting Lu, chief China economist at Nomura, who has called the country’s housing problem “epic,” says just finishing construction of pre-sold homes would require at least 3.2 trillion yuan ($442 billion). He estimated that there are currently 20 million pre-sold homes that remain unbuilt."

--- Goes to show how great that stimulus really is.

"It’s also unclear where indebted local governments can get the funding, beyond the relatively small amounts the PBOC is channeling via state banks.
The Housing Ministry said Friday that local governments can instruct local state-owned enterprises to help purchase some unsold homes from developers. But local government financing vehicles (LGFV), which are already carrying a huge amount of “hidden” debt, are not allowed to make the purchases, according to Tao from PBOC.
That leaves fewer options for local authorities to find the cash."

--- Commie magic! That's what they need.


Man charged with spying for Hong Kong found dead

"He was found by a member of the public in a park in Maidenhead, Berkshire on Sunday, Thames Valley Police said.
His death is being treated as unexplained and a post-mortem examination will be carried out in due course"

--- Hmm... Suicide? Or did he know too much?
OK, just stupid speculation. We'll see what the official cause of death will be.


China sanctions former US lawmaker who supported Taiwan

"Gallagher will be banned from entering China, any assets he holds in the country will be frozen and he will be barred from various exchanges with Chinese organizations and individuals, the country’s Foreign Ministry announced."

--- That will show him, I'm sure. He will never visit Taiwan again. Phhh...


ASML and Taiwan Semi Prep for Potential China-Taiwan Conflict with Remote Shutdown Feature

"During a meeting with the Dutch government, ASML confirmed its ability to deactivate these machines remotely"

--- Great! & I'm sure, China is happy with that & not already working on a way to avoid this.


Janet Yellen urges EU to join US in curbs on cheap Chinese exports

"Her remarks, in Frankfurt, come just hours after the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, gave her strongest hint yet that the EU would join the US and impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles after a soon-to-be completed investigation into alleged state subsidies into the automotive industry in China.
[...] She said she expected the investigation into alleged Chinese state subsidies launched last September and due to be finished by 5 June, to conclude there were “excessive production subsidies”.
The response of the EU would be “that the level of duties would correspond to the level of damage done”, she added, indicating that the EU would not impose import duties of 100%."

--- 'Correspond to the level of damage done' is stupid. There needs to be a level of punishment.


Philippines demands China ‘open’ Scarborough Shoal for global, environmental audit

"“Chinese entities have been continuously engaged in large-scale harvesting of endangered species, unlawfully exploiting the vulnerable species with wild abandon,” Malaya said.
China’s foreign ministry spokesman, Wang Wenbin, did not categorically deny the allegations by the PCG, but reiterated Beijing’s “indisputable” control over the South China Sea, including the shoal.
“If any environmental degradation appears in those waters, it is the Philippines who needs to reflect on its behavior, instead of wrongly accusing China,” he said on Monday."

--- 'We may destroy the environment, but that's all your fault, because you disagree with us.'


I am a love child, not a Chinese spy, says mayor

"Ms Guo said her mother left her when she was a baby and that she grew up with her father at their piggery compound in Tarlac, a farming province north of the capital, Manila.
"I am my father's love child with a maid... It's a very private matter. I can't just tell anyone that my own mother had deserted me," she said.
[...] Ms Guo said she was ashamed of being illegitimate, and that is why she largely stayed inside the family's pig farm."

--- What better way to hide your shame than to seek election for a public office. & to tell the world media about it.



Knife attack in Guixi city primary school leaves two dead

More than 700,000 Tibetans forced to relocate, report says

China censors clip of children dancing to Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick in the Wall'



--- China Unscripted: "China Must Destroy THIS First, Then Taiwan | Cleo Paskal"


--- Yahoo: "ASML and TSMC can disable chip machines remotely if China invades Taiwan"



In China ist es so schwierig, bar zu bezahlen, dass die Regierung ein KFC-Filiale mit einer Geldstrafe belegen musste, weil sie Banknoten nicht akzeptierte

"die meisten Kunden dürften mit Karte zahlen"

--- Da kennt jemand China... pfff ...
Die meisten Kunden zahlen mit Wechat oder Alipay ... auf dem Smartphone.

"Die Bank teilte mit, dass sie gegen einen KFC in Wuxi, Jiangsu, eine Geldstrafe in Höhe von 4140 Dollar (3800 Euro) verhängt habe"

--- Extrem hohe Strafe... Ob's was bringt?

"Zu den weiteren mit Geldstrafen belegten Unternehmen gehören Filialen staatlicher Mischkonzerne wie eine Niederlassung der "China Post" in der Inneren Mongolei, ein Büro der New China Life Insurance in Gansu und ein Büro des Versicherungsunternehmens PICC Property and Casualty in Jiangsu"

--- Immerhin war es diesmal wohl nicht nur eine Aktion, um es mal wieder einem ausländischen Unternehmen zu zeigen.



Korruptionsermittlungen: Xi Jinping entfernt weiteren Minister

Tibet: Erzwungene Massenumsiedlungen von Tibetern


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