China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-07-13/14



China, Russia start joint naval drills, days after NATO allies called Beijing a Ukraine war enabler

"The Chinese defense ministry said in a brief statement forces from both sides recently patrolled the western and northern Pacific Ocean and that the operation had nothing to do with international and regional situations and didn’t target any third party.
The exercise, which began in Guangdong province on Sunday and is expected to last until mid-July, aimed to demonstrate the capabilities of the navies in addressing security threats and preserving peace and stability globally and regionally, state broadcaster CCTV reported"

--- I mean, if anyone is qualified to preserve peace & stability, then it must be China & Russia. Who else?


Concern over Belarus-China military drills, near NATO border

"From 2016 to 2020, before popular protests began in Belarus, Minsk had maintained a dialogue with NATO and even invited observers to its maneuvers. The current exercises in Belarus are more likely to cause a stir in Russia, the expert said, because the Chinese military is involved in drills within what Russia regards as its sphere of influence."

--- Dubious. China's influence in Belarus is minimal. Russia is probably more concerned about Central Asia. Not that Russia could do anything about either Belarus or Central Asia, anyway.


China's landfills brim with textile waste as fast fashion reigns and recycling takes a back seat

"Nowhere is the problem more pressing than in China, the world’s largest textile producer and consumer, where more than 26 million tons of clothes are thrown away each year, according to government statistics. Most of it ends up in landfills.
And factories like this one are barely making a dent in a country whose clothing industry is dominated by “fast fashion” — cheap clothes made from unrecyclable synthetics, not cotton. Produced from petrochemicals that contribute to climate change, air and water pollution, synthetics account for 70% of domestic clothing sales in China."

--- Ah, our environmental champion again showing the evil West how it's done.

"Making matters worse, many Chinese consumers are unwilling to buy used items anyway, something the Wenzhou factory sales director, Kowen Tang, attributes to increasing household incomes."

--- Well, increasing incomes may play a role, but it seems to be ingrained in (modern?) Chinese culture not to buy used stuff. It's not only clothes, it's everything from electronics to cars. That seemed to be changing a bit in recent years, but the vast majority of Chinese abhors buying stuff previously used by others.


Biden signs bill urging China to resume talks over Tibet

"supporters said it is still an important measure because it adds pressure on Chinese leaders to grant greater autonomy to these areas"

--- It won't. Unless there are serious consequences the CCP will just keep doing what it is doing.

"A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said it “violates the U.S. government’s long-held position and commitments and the basic norms governing international relations, grossly interferes in China’s domestic affairs, undermines China’s interest, and sends a severely wrong signal to the ‘Tibet independence’ forces.”"

--- Yawn.



China creates unofficial police force in foreign countries to monitor diaspora

Foreigners still visiting China, but fewer want to live there

China launches online crackdown on video apps and social media platforms over ‘harmful’ content targeting children



--- China Uncensored: "New Satellite Images Captured Something China Wanted Kept Secret"



--- Deutschland, deine Medien: 'Attentat auf Trump, so reagiert ...'. Viel mehr war da nicht über China (außer ein paar pro-chinesischen Propagandaartikeln von Telepolis).


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