China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-07-20/21



Long-awaited Chinese policy update presents no major shift

"China released a policy document on Sunday, outlining known ambitions, from developing advanced industries to improving the business environment, with analysts spotting no sign of imminent structural shifts in the world's second biggest economy."

--- Reforms with Xi-characteristics.

"Like most documents of this kind, it did not say how Chinese leaders intended to reach those goals, many of which would require policies that are contradictory in nature"

--- Clarity with Xi-characteristics.

"At a plenum in 2013, Beijing launched a policy agenda that included most of the goals listed in Sunday's document"

--- Progress with Xi-characteristics.


China and the Philippines reach deal in effort to stop clashes at fiercely disputed shoal

"The crucial deal was reached on Sunday, after a series of meetings between Philippine and Chinese diplomats in Manila and exchanges of diplomatic notes that aimed to establish a mutually acceptable arrangement at the shoal without conceding either side’s territorial claims."

--- Some journalists seem to see this as a great breakthrough, but I'm doubtful. Chinese agreements aren't worth the paper they are written upon.

"Neither side has yet released the text of the agreement."

--- But there was already a reaction in Xinhua which doesn't bode well. (see below)

"It remains to be seen, however, if the deal could be implemented successfully and how long it will last."

--- Yep. I'll give it 2 weeks at the most. But who knows?

"During final meetings in the last four days, two Chinese demands that had been key sticking points were removed from the draft deal.
China had previously said it would allow food, water and other basic supplies to be transported by the Philippines to its forces in the shoal if Manila agreed not to bring construction materials to fortify the crumbling ship, and to give China advance notice and the right to inspect the ships for those materials, the officials said.
The Philippines rejected those conditions, and the final deal did not include them, according to the Philippine official."

--- Hmm, perhaps China signed a different deal? At least Xinhua (official CCP mouthpiece) says that the above is included:

Advance information of humanitarian supplies, Chinese inspections & China stopping any construction materials going to the shoal are all part of China's understanding of the agreement.


China's Expanding Arctic Ambitions Challenge the U.S. and NATO

"a Chinese scientific institute that is operating on the island where research for "war-like purposes" is forbidden is in fact part of China's defense establishment, raising questions over whether it is defying the ban by carrying out potential "dual-use" research that has military as well as civilian applications. Meanwhile, a Chinese aerospace defense contractor is being served by a satellite ground station on Svalbard even though Norway forbids data transmission "only or mainly" for military purposes, raising additional security questions."

--- Obviously that's just evil Western propaganda. The CCP only works towards a better future for all of mankind:

""China's policy goals on the Arctic are: to understand, protect, develop, and participate in the governance of the Arctic, to safeguard the common interests of all countries and the international community in the Arctic, and to promote sustainable development of the Arctic," the Press Office of the Chinese Embassy in Oslo said"



How China swerved worst of global tech meltdown

"While most of the world was grappling with the blue screen of death on Friday, one country that managed to escape largely unscathed was China.
The reason is actually quite simple: CrowdStrike is hardly used there."

--- One of the few articles who got this. In most pieces, you just read this:

"Additionally, China is not as reliant on Microsoft as the rest of the world. Domestic companies such as Alibaba, Tencent and Huawei are the dominant cloud providers.
[...] "It's a testament to China's strategic handling of foreign tech operations," says Josh Kennedy White, a cybersecurity expert based in Singapore"

--- This is actually only part of the reason, the bigger part is that in China they don't use stuff like CrowdStrike, & - most of all - they rely largely on illegal &/or obsolete Windows versions.



China bridge collapse kills at least 11 after floods

China’s controversial boarding school policy for Tibetans explained



--- China Uncensored: "China’s Darkest Secret EXPOSED"


--- 60 Minutes (AUS): "Preparing for war against China, Russia and North Korea"



China und Philippinen einigen sich auf Abkommen

"Die Gespräche zielten darauf ab, eine für beide Seiten akzeptable Regelung am von den Philippinen kontrollierten Second-Thomas-Riff zu etablieren. Beide Länder hätten sich auf eine "vorläufige Regelung" zur Versorgung von philippinischen Truppen auf dem Riff in dem umstrittenen Gewässer geeinigt, erklärte das philippinische Außenministerium nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.
Demnach hätten beide Seiten die Notwendigkeit anerkannt, die Situation zu deeskalieren und Differenzen durch Dialog und Konsultationen zu lösen. Sie seien sich einig, "dass das Abkommen die Positionen der jeweils anderen Seite im Südchinesischen Meer nicht beeinträchtigen wird". Von China lag zunächst keine Stellungnahme vor."

--- Naja, es gibt immerhin schon Reaktionen in der chinesischen 'Presse'. & aus dem, was bei Xinhua steht, läßt sich herauslesen, daß die chinesische Interpretation des Abkommens sich deutlich von der philippinischen unterscheidet.


Nach Kämpfen mit Macheten: Die Philippinen und China befrieden Riff-Streit

"Bei einem Scharmützel im Juni wurden mehrere Philippiner verletzt. Daraufhin kamen beide Seite zu Gesprächen zusammen, die nach Angaben einer der Quellen in den vergangenen Tagen intensiviert wurden. Als Stolperstein erwiesen sich demnach zwei chinesische Forderungen. China wollte zwar die Lieferung von Nahrung, Wasser und anderen grundlegenden Versorgungsgütern erlauben, doch sollten die Philippinen zusagen, kein Material zur Verstärkung der vor sich hin rostenden "Sierra Madre" zu der Untiefe zu bringen. Außerdem sollten sie Transporte vorher bei China anmelden und kontrollieren lassen. Beide Punkte wurden schließlich nicht Teil des Abkommens."

--- & genau das liest sich bei Xinhua ganz anders.


Wirtschaft in der Krise: China will private Unternehmen stärken

"China will mit einem Maßnahmenbündel die Wirtschaft anschieben und dabei auch privaten Unternehmen mehr Möglichkeiten bieten. So solle etwa das politische System verbessert werden, um die Finanzierung nichtstaatlicher Firmen zu unterstützen. Dies geht aus einem 60 Punkte umfassenden Dokument hervor, das nach der jüngsten nichtöffentlichen Klausurtagung des Zentralkomitees der regierenden Kommunistischen Partei angenommen wurde."

--- Gähn. Auch dieses Dokument besteht hauptsächlich aus leeren Floskeln.



Mindestens elf Tote nach Einsturz von Autobahnbrücke

Olympische Spiele - immer auch Festspiele des Dopings


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