China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-07-04/05


--- Probably no further move necessary until the end of August. So, normal service resumes.


Decoding China: Striving for a new world order

"At the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Xi on Wednesday evening, the second face-to-face meeting between the two leaders in six weeks, it became clear that China expects even more from the SCO.
"In the face of the ever-changing international situation, we must strive to protect the legitimate rights and interests of countries and uphold the basic norms of international relations," Xi said."

--- Ah, yeah, like Russia is doing in Ukraine, or China in the South China Sea.


EU hits Chinese electric cars with new tariffs

"European car makers operating factories in China or through joint ventures, will also have to pay more to bring electric cars into the EU"

--- Only if they profited from Chinese subsidies. So, VW perhaps, because they probably got a lot of CCP support for building a factory in Xinjiang.


EU brushes aside risk of China trade war over electric vehicle tariffs

"Dombrovskis, a European Commission vice-president, told Bloomberg Television that talks with China were ongoing, adding: “We are not seeing the basis for retaliation as what we are conducting is indeed in line with WTO [World Trade Organization] rules.”"

--- &, as we all know, China always follows the rules.


Silicon Valley steps up screening on Chinese employees to counter espionage

""In recent years, emerging technology companies have become more wary; they don't want to fall victim to China's technology absorption strategy," he said.
"Companies can't afford to help a competitor that will put them out of business. We've seen that happen across many industries already. It's only natural for American and other allied cutting-edge companies to be concerned and take steps to mitigate the risks of PRC state-sponsored espionage," he said.
Ray Wang, CEO of Silicon Valley-based Constellation Research Inc., said that the theft of American intellectual property has become more rampant since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic"

--- Or, could it be that people pay closer attention now?



Europe seeks industry views on China's older generation chips

China's jobless struggle amid economic slump

A militia attack on a Congo gold mine kills 6 Chinese miners and 2 Congolese soldiers

Germany blocks another big business deal with China



--- China Uncensored: "Behind China's massive bet on Hungary"


--- WSJ: [China Shock Has Decimated 5.7M U.S. Jobs Since the 2000s. Now, It’s Back. | WSJ Then vs. Now]


--- DW News: Behind China's massive bet on Hungary

--- CNBC: EU tariffs on China EVs: 'Real hit' will be on state-owned carmakers

--- CNA: The Maldives in focus as China, India vie for influence in the region



Vorläufige Strafzölle der EU auf E-Autos aus China

"Nach Verkündung der EU-Entscheidung zeigte sich China gegenüber der EU-Kommission weiter verhandlungsbereit. "Ich hoffe, dass die europäische und die chinesische Seite aufeinander zugehen, Aufrichtigkeit zeigen und den Konsultationsprozess beschleunigen", sagte ein Sprecher des Pekinger Handelsministeriums."

--- Was man so verhandlungsbereit nennt. Sieht eher so aus, als wenn China wie üblich einen 'Kompromiss' will, bei dem es selber nichts tun muß.



Decoding China: Streben nach neuer Weltordnung


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