China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-04-27/28



Xi shakes up China’s military in rethink of how to ‘fight and win’ future wars

"Getting these things right is of huge importance for the PLA in any future conflict
[...] The latest shake-up is likely the result of an ongoing review of how the military can better meet the strategic objectives of the ruling Chinese Communist Party"

--- What great insights! Who would have thought that China tries to improve its forces?


Germany Mulls Softening Scrutiny of Chinese Investments: WSJ

"A decision to ease back from a planned foreign investment-screening law had become likelier due to fears that scrutiny on Chinese investments could hurt Berlin’s efforts to revitalize Germany’s economy,"

--- Scholz at work. As expected, Germany is contradicting the supposed tougher EU line on China.


Germany grapples with wave of spying threats from Russia and China

"Andrei Soldatov believes Berlin is putting down a marker."

--- Dubious, considering Scholz' kowtows before emperor Xi.


In reversal, China now wants to preserve Kashgar’s Old City

"The Regulation on the Protection of the Ancient City of Kashgar passed on March 31 aims to safeguard the cultural heritage of Kashgar’s ancient city"

--- What's left to safeguard?

"But starting in 2008, China has already demolished 85% of Kashgar’s ancient quarter and relocated thousands of residents
[...] By the end of 2010, more than 10,000 ancestral earthen homes there had been destroyed"

--- Not much.

"Now all that is left is about 15% of the Old City, which has largely been renovated into a Disneyland-like tourist center for visiting Chinese tourists and dignitaries."

--- & that's what the CCP wants to preserve.


UK Tory MP says he was deported from Djibouti due to criticisms of China

"The MP told the Daily Telegraph he believes his “intimidating” detention and expulsion by the Djibouti authorities was a “direct consequence” of his criticism of the Chinese regime.
[...] The Tory MP said he was held for an hour without any explanation in the arrivals hall and was subsequently taken to a holding room where he was detained alone for three hours.
Loughton, who is standing down as an MP at the next general election, added: “They gave me no reason. I kept saying: ‘Why?’ and they could not tell me."

--- A very Chinese way of doing things.


China confronts Japanese politicians in disputed E. China Sea area

"Inada's group spent three hours near the islands on Saturday, using drones to observe the area, and the Japanese coast guard vessel sought to fend off the Chinese coast guard, NHK said."

--- Seems like China is getting more aggressive against Japan as well. I wonder, how Japan will react. I doubt they will take it lying down.



Agency bars Chinese telecom carriers from offering US broadband services

Tornado kills at least 5, injures 33, in Chinese metropolis as region battles deadly floods

Chair foreign affairs select-committee Els Van Hoof hacked by Chinese spies says FBI



--- China Uncensored: "Is China's Economy Recovering?"


--- CNBC: "China’s Looming Crises"



Maximilian Krah: Offene Flanken für China, nicht nur bei der AfD

"Während dieser Artikel geschrieben wurde, ordnete die EU-Kommission Razzien bei NucTech an, einem chinesischen Hersteller von Sicherheitsausrüstung, die vor allem in Flug- und Seehäfen zum Einsatz kommt. Vordergründig geht es um verbotene Subventionen aus dem Ausland, vermutlich aus China. Dahinter stecken Sicherheitsbedenken, dass die erhobenen Daten zur Spionage benutzt werden könnten.
Schon 2020 hatten die USA die Europäer vor dem Einsatz von Geräten der Firma gewarnt. Dennoch war der Chef von NucTech unter den Wirtschaftsvertretern, mit denen Scholz bei seinem ersten China-Besuch zusammentraf. Eine demonstrative Unbekümmertheit des Kanzlers, die an Verantwortungslosigkeit grenzt"

--- Unbekümmertheit... Ich würde das anders nennen.



Tote nach Tornado in Guangzhou

Chinesische Tastatur-Apps haben Schwachstelle und verraten, was Nutzer tippen

Schwimmer aus China - IOC hält die Füße still


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