China news roundup / Nachrichten 2023-06-23



China was the ghost at the US-India feast

"The backdrop of Modi’s visit – a feud over a Chinese spy balloon’s trip across US skies earlier this year, which was just reignited by Biden publicly branding Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a dictator – showed just why India’s growing strategic weight could be so valuable to the US."

--- How so? Don't really see the logic here.

"India’s significant weaknesses compared with China, and its inescapable proximity to it, guarantee that New Delhi will never involve itself in any U.S. confrontation with Beijing that does not directly threaten its own security"

--- Yep. But India will most likely at least tacitly support the US in any conflict with China. &, in case China decisively loses a war over Taiwan, I wouldn't put it beyond Modi to fabricate a Chinese provocation in order to make some territorial gains.


US charges Chinese individuals and firms over fentanyl chemical trafficking

"In Manhattan’s southern district, federal prosecutors announced the unsealing of an indictment against the China-based chemical company Hubei Amarvel Biotech, along with its executives Qingzhou Wang, 35, Yiyi Chen, 31, and Fnu Lnu, also known as Er Yang, with fentanyl trafficking, precursor chemical importation and money-laundering offenses."

--- Fnu Lnu? Interns at work again?


Arab nations praise China’s Uyghur policies: Society is ‘harmonious,’ religion free

"The Arab League’s delegation to Xinjiang comprised 34 members from 16 countries, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
“The Xinjiang they saw was completely different from the portrayals of Western Media, [and] discourses like so-called ‘genocide’ and ‘religious repression’ are complete lies,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.
Arab nations have long endorsed China’s repression of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities.
[...] The Arab League delegation visited “an exhibition on Xinjiang’s anti-terrorism and deradicalization work” and praised “Xinjiang’s remarkable achievements in respecting and safeguarding human rights,” according to Xinhua. "

--- Islamic solidarity as it always has been.


America’s Asian allies are quietly joining forces to confront China

"“The Chinese have basically now, through a process of confrontation, helped us organize our allies on multiple layers,” U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel told me in an interview. “Xi does not get enough credit for all the work he has done to contain China, and I’m willing to give it to him.”"

--- Praise be to emperor Xi!



The China dilemma: Europe wants a new relationship with Beijing but is wary of retaliation

Why China can’t broker peace between Israel and Palestine

Zambian President Hichilema's $6bn debt deal hailed as 'historic'



--- China Uncensored features the usual weekend news variety:


--- DW News: "How the EU is changing its approach to trade with China"


--- Sky News (AUS): "Inside the new China threat: Could there be another Cuban Missile Crisis?"



Bund fährt Haftung für China-Geschäfte zurück

"Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium des Grünen-Politikers Robert Habeck hat einem Medienbericht zufolge die Haftung für Investitionen deutscher Unternehmen in China seit seinem Amtsantritt um rund fünf Milliarden Euro verringert."

--- Immerhin scheint Habeck seinen Worten Taten folgen zu lassen. Wundert nur, daß Scholz offenbar (noch?) nicht eingegriffen hat.



Risiko China

China vergrault seine Millionäre – ein Ziel ist besonders begehrt


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