China news roundup / Nachrichten 2022-05-20



Jeffrey Sachs Presents Evidence of Possible Lab Origin of Covid-19

"“We do know that the insertion of such FCS sequences into SARS-like viruses was a specific goal of work proposed by the EHA-WIV-UNC partnership within a 2018 grant proposal (“DEFUSE”) that was submitted to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA).”
EHA is a reference to EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit research group based in New York City that has received more than $118 million in grants and contracts from federal agencies. WIV, or the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is a Chinese research organization that collaborated with EcoHealth Alliance in the past and was listed as a subcontractor on the DARPA grant."

--- Nice to see some more pressure to investigate these connections.

"“Could be,” Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, wrote in an email to The Intercept when asked about the possibility that these things are both chance occurrences. “But the list of coincidences is getting verrrrrrrrrrry long.”"

--- Yep.

"The publication in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences marks a reversal of sorts for Sachs, the chair of the Lancet Covid-19 Commission who, in November 2020, appointed Daszak, the EcoHealth Alliance president, to lead a task force to investigate the origins of the pandemic. Earlier that year, Daszak had signed on to a public statement published in The Lancet on behalf of scientists who said they “condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”
After leading the mainstream scientific inquiry into the origins of the pandemic, Sachs is now skewering it. “A steady trickle of disquieting information has cast a darkening cloud over the agency,” he and Harrison write of the NIH, going on to accuse the entire federal government of not doing enough to explore the possible role of its grantees in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and investigate “overlooked details” such as the matching amino acid sequences."

--- That's the most interesting part of the article. Sachs & The Lancet distancing themselves ever more from Daszak & other suspicious figures.


UN human rights commissioner criticised over planned Xinjiang visit

"politicians from the InterParliamentary Alliance on China (Ipac) accused Beijing of organising a “Potemkin-style tour”. In particular, they said they feared the government would use the cover of coronavirus restrictions to prevent the visit from being as free as it needed to be
[...] “Should the high commissioner fail to obtain the necessary access for a meaningful investigation, the credibility of the office could suffer lasting damage, and the ability for the UNHCHR to secure meaningful future investigations may well be compromised. Covid restrictions must not be deployed as a reason to excuse the PRC [People’s Republic of China] for failing to allow a meaningful investigation.”"

--- Which is not necessarily that big of a problem if Bachelet afterwards openly describes how China prevented a proper investigation. But Bachelet has already delayed a report into Chinese human rights violations. So, can we trust her to be open & honest? Time will tell.

"No international journalists will be allowed to travel with her."

--- That doesn't bode well.

UN: Rights Chief’s Credibility at Stake in China Visit

"It defies credibility that the Chinese government will allow the high commissioner to see anything they don’t want her to see, or allow human rights defenders, victims and their families to speak to her safely, unsupervised and without fear of reprisal"

--- Yeah, how does Bachelet want to avoid severe repercussions for dissidents who are ready to talk to her? Would there be sanctions against China if the CCP punishes those who speak to Bachelet?
What's more, there is the question whether the UN can be trusted when it comes to Chinese human rights:


UN expert Alena Douhan slammed over US$200,000 contribution from China

"Alena Douhan, the United Nations special rapporteur focused on the negative impact of unilateral sanctions, received a US$200,000-contribution from Beijing in 2021
[...] Douhan, a law professor from Belarus, is an independent expert appointed by the UN Human Rights Council in March 2020. She does not speak on behalf of the UN
[...] UN Watch said Douhan had headlined a Beijing-sponsored online “propaganda” event last September under the banner “Xinjiang is a Wonderful Land”
[...] UN Watch also said Douhan had participated in two other China-backed events last year targeting Western sanctions, which were co-sponsored by among others Belarus, Iran, Venezuela and Russia"

--- Can we trust the UN?


‘Do whatever it takes’: Beijing urged to act as China’s economy falters

"Optimists see signs that, with internal as well as external pressures, efforts to boost market confidence is more preferred within the ruling Communist party – at least for now. “It seems China is back in its classic conundrum: political priorities v economic priorities,” Qian said. “Every country faces that trade-off but in China this pair of contradictions has been salient ever since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949.”
She added: “In the short-term, Beijing’s prioritisation of ideology – or ‘politics in command’ – will continue to make headlines. But in the long run, the current economic situation and social dynamics may be forcing party elites to refocus on ‘economy in command’.”"

--- Optimists. Hmm, I'd have some other choice words for these people. & in this particular case, I think the opposite is true: In the short run, because the economy is in deep trouble, the CCP may loosen the leashes a little bit to make things look better for the party congress, but in the long run, emperor Xi will try to control everything.


China slashes key interest rate as housing sales collapse

"The People's Bank of China cut its five-year loan prime rate (LPR) by 15 basis points to 4.45%"

--- What CNN calls 'slashing' ...

"[Friday's move] signals that the leadership has ... decided to rescue [the property sector] as soon as possible"

--- Good one. The only thing that might 'save' the real estate sector is the fact that people in China don't have much choice what to invest their money in, beside a highly volatile stock market. But seeing recent developments, would you entrust property developers with your money?


China needs Russian coal. Moscow needs new customers

""When it became clear that the EU wasn't moving fast to ban imports, and that effectively prevented both the US and the EU from imposing broader sanctions that would affect other buyers, there was a jump in purchases resulting from latent demand," Myllyvirta said.
The European Union has since approved a ban on Russian coal, which is set to take full effect from August. Earlier this month, it also proposed to ban all Russian oil imports within six months"

--- Almost as if someone in the EU is delaying sanctions so that Russia has time to find alternative customers.

"The Chinese government is currently pushing for all kinds of infrastructure and construction projects, which includes coal industry projects, to offset the effect of the real estate slump and Covid lockdowns on other parts of the economy"

--- & there are still people who believe that China is doing all it can for the environment. They will point to the lockdown-induced slump in CO2 output as proof, I suspect.
Speaking of proof, here it is on how important the environment is for the CCP: ‘Sleepwalking through extinction’: China urged to end delays to Cop15 summit


How a Humboldt Foundation fellow joined China's military commission

"After obtaining her Ph.D in China, she moves to Europe, initially for two years' research at a renowned institute of nuclear physics in Italy. She then spends three years at two German universities in Hamburg and Mainz. Scientific cooperation with China is politically desired in Germany. The government in Berlin believes it has "special significance for the long-term stability of bilateral relations.""

--- The scientific version of 'Wandel durch Handel' (~ change through trade). Total bullshit of course, particularly when they then go back to China to work for the military.

"Today, the physicist is employed by a Chinese academy best known for its research into nuclear weapons.
A search for scientific publications by the physicist since she returned to China yields no results. What can be ascertained is that, after spending a total of five years in Europe, she was placed at CAEP via the well-known government grant program"

--- The same academics who in Germany don't want to do any dual-use research on nuclear energy because it might be used for nuclear weapons, don't seem to have a problem with Chinese partners doing just that.

"We then analyzed 26 particularly striking profiles in detail. All of these scientists now work at elite universities that cooperate particularly closely with the military. Twenty-two of them were, like the physicist, brought back via the Thousand Talents Plan. Twelve of them had a fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation, a renowned state-funded body that supports academic research
[...] Individual cases like these are not, of course, in Germany's interest, admitted Enno Aufderheide, the secretary general of the Humboldt Foundation. Nonetheless, he believes Germany would lose more than China were it to forgo the collaboration. It is necessary to maintain contact with the world's brightest minds, he said. "The Chinese are very good at understanding Europe, but we are not that good in understanding the Chinese. And that is why we do need this exchange,""

--- Yeah, right. As if you understand China better by educating Chinese scientists in nuclear technology.

"DW and its partners tried repeatedly to contact the four Chinese scientists mentioned in this article, but did not receive a response. Two of them have since removed military references from their online resumes"

--- Total coincidence, I'm sure. They have nothing to hide, because they are just doing basic research.

"According to the Max Planck Society, "around one-third" of all scientific management positions in China today are held by people who were trained in Germany"

--- & that has made China a much more open & democratic place. Right?

"German security sources have told DW and its partners that scientists live "in their own bubble," because, for them, international collaborations "are the currency par excellence." Research requires a lot of money — and China is also willing to invest in foreign research projects. Many universities, the sources suggest, are therefore "a bit submissive" and "a bit naive."
Professor Katja Becker, president of the German Research Foundation (DFG), refutes this view. "Naivete is really not the order of the day, because we are constantly reflecting on these issues," she said. She said there are intensive internal exchanges between the universities, and that critical dual-use collaborations are thoroughly scrutinized by both scientific ethics committees and the relevant Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control.
"Military research is excluded from DFG funding," stressed Becker. Yet DFG money has gone to the technical laboratory of a top German scientist who is working with colleagues from China's National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), which reports directly to China's Central Military Commission. It is the premier institution for scientific research for the People's Liberation Army."

--- I'm not so sure anymore that these people are just naive. It's simply too obvious what is going on in China.



ESPN analysis: NBA owners, mum on China relationship, have more than $10 billion invested there

The China Challenge for Olaf Scholz

Canada to ban Huawei and ZTE from 5G network, risking China tensions

Saskatchewan reacts to China lifting ban on Canadian canola



--- China Uncensored features the weekend news variety:


--- WION: "About 40% foreign teachers may leave jobs in China"


--- CBS News: "President Biden in South Korea amid rising tensions with China, North Korea"



Warum ein Stipendiat der Humboldt-Stiftung heute zu Chinas Militärkommission gehört

"Die Frau ist Physikerin. Spezialgebiet theoretische Teilchenphysik. Nach ihrer Promotion in China zieht es sie nach Europa. Zunächst forscht sie zwei Jahre an einem renommierten Institut für Nuklearphysik in Italien. Die nächsten drei Jahre verbringt sie dann an zwei deutschen Universitäten in Hamburg und Mainz. Die wissenschaftliche Kooperation mit China ist in Deutschland politisch gewollt. Nach Meinung der Bundesregierung "kommt (ihr) für langfristig stabile bilaterale Beziehungen eine besondere Bedeutung zu". Doch was, wenn die Forschung China bei der Aufrüstung hilft?
Heute arbeitet die Physikerin für Chinas Atomwaffen-Schmiede."

--- Langfristig bringt das stabile, bilaterale Beziehungen? Klar doch. Kaiser Xi ist nur zu froh, deutsche Forschungserkenntnisse für seine Aufrüstung zu nutzen. & sollte China irgendwann mal selbst neue Erkenntnisse haben, wird man sie natürlich bereitwillig teilen.

"Eine Suche nach aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen der Physikerin läuft ins Leere."

--- Oder auch nicht.

"Natürlich seien derartige Fälle nicht im deutschen Interesse, gibt Enno Aufderheide, der Generalsekretär der Humboldt-Stiftung, zu. Dennoch glaubt er, dass Deutschland viel mehr verlieren würde als China, wenn man auf die Zusammenarbeit verzichtete. Man müsse zu den klügsten Köpfen der Welt Kontakt pflegen. "Die Chinesen verstehen Europa sehr gut, aber wir sind nicht so gut darin, die Chinesen zu verstehen. Deshalb brauchen wir diesen Austausch." Chinas Wissenschaft auf das Militärische zu reduzieren, hält er zudem für falsch. "Auch in China gibt es gute, wahrhaftige Grundlagenforschung.""

--- Aber sicher. Wenn wir China helfen, Atomwaffen zu entwickeln, verstehen wir China besser. Ganz bestimmt.

"Die Deutsche Welle und ihre Partner haben die vier hier beispielhaft erwähnten chinesischen Wissenschaftler wiederholt kontaktiert, ohne eine Antwort zu erhalten. Zwei von ihnen haben inzwischen ihre Bezüge zum Militär aus ihren Lebensläufen entfernt."

--- Weil sie ganz bestimmt nichts zu verbergen haben. Das haben wir jetzt über China gelernt.

"Aus Sicherheitskreisen ist die Sorge zu hören, dass Wissenschaftler in "ihrer eigenen Bubble" lebten, weil internationale Kooperationen für sie "die Währung schlechthin" seien. In der Forschung geht es auch um viel Geld - und China ist bereit, auch in ausländische Forschungsprojekte und Lehrstühle zu investieren. Viele Universitäten seien deshalb "ein bisschen devot" und "ein bisschen naiv".
Professor Katja Becker widerspricht. Sie ist die Präsidentin der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). "Naivität ist wirklich nicht angesagt, weil wir diese Thematiken permanent reflektieren." Der interne Austausch der Universitäten sei intensiv, wissenschaftliche Ethikkommissionen und das zuständige Bundesamt für Exportkontrolle würden kritische Kooperationen gründlich prüfen.
"Militärische Forschung ist ausgeschlossen von der DFG-Förderung", betont Becker. Allerdings ist DFG-Geld an das technische Labor eines deutschen Spitzenforschers geflossen, der mit Kollegen der National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) zusammenarbeitet. Die NUDT untersteht direkt der Zentralen Militärkommission. Sie ist die Kaderschmiede der Volksbefreiungsarmee."

--- Ist das wirklich noch Naivität? So langsam habe ich den Verdacht, daß von einigen Stellen da mehr im Spiel ist: bewußte Ignoranz, Geld & vermutlich auch politische Sympathien.


Ausgerechnet China statt Australien

"In den vergangenen Jahren aber fühlte sich Premierminister Sogavare vernachlässigt von Australien - und wandte sich einem anderen Land zu, das im Pazifik mehr Einfluss haben möchte: China."

--- Er fühlte sich vernachlässigt? Was für ein Schwachsinn. Wohl eher: Er hat Probleme mit der Opposition & will zum Diktator aufsteigen.



China stemmt sich mit Rekordzinsschritt gegen Corona-Krise (0,15 %-Punkte, ein enormer Schritt)

Bidens China-Strategie


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