China news roundup / Nachrichten 2022-11-19/20



China announces easing of COVID lockdowns in Tibet, but little change on the ground

"Chinese authorities in Tibet’s regional capital of Lhasa have announced a partial easing of restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19, allowing some residents to return to work, but local sources say little has changed.
[...] China’s government says that no new COVID cases have recently been reported in Lhasa, and that city residents are now free to go about their daily lives"

--- 'The CCP says' vs. 'the CCP does'.

"Authorities in the northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, or XUAR, are meanwhile extending areas under lockdown from the region’s north, where harsh restrictions were put in place beginning in August to prefectures in the south"

--- Since August, no change. Keep that in mind when you hear or see 'China is easing ...'.

Amid growing protests, China cautiously mulls relaxing zero-COVID rules: analysts

"The Chinese government released a package of 20 new policy measures on Nov. 11 aimed at "optimizing" the country's pandemic response, including slightly relaxed quarantine requirements for people returning home from areas designated "high risk."
The move has generally been seen as a cautious relaxation of the zero-COVID policy"

--- Very cautious indeed. With virtually no difference in practice.

"Former Chinese Red Cross Director Ren Ruihong said the government is announcing looser restrictions from Beijing, but leaving it to local officials to decide how best to control the virus locally -- an issue that figures highly in government key performance indicators and therefore affects individuals' career prospects.
"The central government will gradually relax its pandemic prevention guidance, even if only to deflect public dissatisfaction from itself,""

--- Which usually works well in China. People generally blame local officials if things go wrong. & the CCP likes to punish local officials if things go wrong.

"While confusion remains over whether kindergarteners still need a recent negative test to attend school, resident Sun Liang said regular testing regardless of a person's movements has been dropped, while "active testing" is still in place for travel to certain public places.
"You still need a negative PCR from the past 24 hours to get into an office building, and a negative result from the past 48 or 72 hours to ride the subway or the bus,""

--- So much for that opening in Shijiazhuang.

China reports first Covid-19 death since May amid rising infections

"On Sunday, municipal officials announced an 87-year-old man had died in Beijing as the National Health Commission said it had recorded more than 24,000 infections throughout the country in the previous 24 hours"

--- Chinese numbers. With 20,000 cases, you can expect some 60 deaths, even with the current milder variants & properly working vaccines (judging from recent Taiwan numbers). & Chinese vaccines are not working properly.

"Beijing, where 621 daily cases were reported Sunday, has confined some residents to their homes and ordered others to quarantine centres.
[...] Unlike during previous outbreaks in the capital however, officials appear to be refraining from imposing harsher restrictions on a public exhausted by exceptionally strict Covid-19 measures."

--- Well, they just don't call it a lockdown. But essentially, large parts of Beijing are in lockdown.


China and US renew commitment to tackling climate crisis but differences remain

"China and the US have renewed their partnership to tackle the climate crisis, and are working closely and productively on ways of bringing down greenhouse gas emissions, China’s head of delegation has said.
The surprise news from Xie Zhenhua, who briefed a small group of journalists at the Cop27 UN climate summit in Egypt on Saturday, comes as a rare moment of progress amid a conference mired in stalemate and bitter fighting between developed and developing countries."

--- Not that much of a surprise, particularly considering that the statements don't really commit China to anything. Eg.:

"China has also been closely involved in negotiations over loss and damage at the Cop, one of the most vexed issues. The EU launched a proposal for a new fund to provide financial assistance to poor countries suffering the most devastating impacts of extreme weather.
[...] Xie repeated the Chinese position that it was still a developing country, and as such had no obligation to provide financial assistance to poor nations.
[...] “[In a] loss and damage fund, if there is any fund, the responsibility to provide funds lies with developed countries,” he said. “That is their responsibility and obligation. Developing countries can contribute on a voluntary basis.”
He added: “The recipients should be developing countries. I hope it will be provided to fragile countries first … and those who need it most, first.”"

--- Nothing has been decided, except that such a fund should be established. But now a committee has to be formed, which will decide who pays what.
Poor little China probably thinks that committee members will decide that such a poor developing country wouldn't have to pay anything. No bribery involved, probably.

China Could Cut Methane Emissions Through Monitoring, Diet Changes, Experts Say

"China emitted 58.3 metric tons of methane last year, more than any other country, according to the Global Methane Tracker. China has not signed the Global Methane Pledge, first initiated in 2021 at COP26 in Glasgow to slash 30% of world methane emissions from 2020 levels by 2025."

--- 'Nah, we can't sign up to that. But instead of a signature, we can give you something else:'

"Chinese climate envoy Xie Zhenhua told the COP27 climate talks in Egypt that China has drafted an action plan to rein in methane emissions, focusing on oil and gas, agriculture and urban waste management."

--- 'Empty promises.'


China uses carrots and sticks to boost Uyghur-Han intermarriage: report

"Carrots include cash payments, help with housing, medical care, government jobs, and tuition waivers.
When it comes to sticks, “young Uyghur women and/or their parents face an ever-present threat of punishment if the women decline to marry a Han ‘suitor,’” the report said, citing experiences of Uyghur women now living in exile.
“Videos and testimonies have also raised concerns that Uyghur women are being pressured and forced into marrying Han men,”"

--- Note, how this policy seems to be only about Han men marrying Uighur women, not the other way round.


China says open to meeting with US defence secretary

"A meeting would represent the first high-level military exchange between the countries since China halted regular dialogue between military commanders in August in retaliation for US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan."

--- Another biiig surprise. Yawn...
Goes to show that all this outrage over Pelosi was mere theatre. But maybe Harris' visit to the Philippines offers a chance for another tantrum.



VP Harris to visit front-line Philippine island in sea feud

Asia Fact Check Lab: Did NATO donate HIV-infected blood to Ukraine?

Giant panda gifted to Taiwan by China dies (& that's a major news topic this weekend.)



--- China Uncensored: "China’s Xi Jinping Knows He Screwed Up"


--- DW News: "Why China's plan to save its economy won't work"


--- WION: China's COVID cases rise, Beijing under semi-lockdown



Canton is turning into a tent city.



Weniger China wagen?

"Kein Handel mehr mit China? "Das wäre vermutlich ein riesiges Problem", sagt Ralf Stoffels.
[...] Könnte ein Handelsboykott das autoritäre Regime zum Umdenken bewegen, was die Menschenrechtsverletzungen und den Umgang mit Minderheiten angeht? Das bezweifelt Genia Kostka, Professorin für chinesische Politik an der Freien Universität Berlin. "Auf jeden Fall würde das politische Verhältnis darunter leiden""

--- Immer wieder der gleiche dämliche Strohmann. Wer verlangt denn einen kompletten Boykott?


China meldet ersten Corona-Toten seit sechs Monaten

"Unterdessen teilte die Nationale Gesundheitskommission mit, dass in den vergangenen 24 Stunden landesweit mehr als 24.000 Neuinfektionen registriert worden seien."

--- Wenn man der KPCh glaubt. In Taiwan gibt es bei ca. 18000 Fällen über 50 Tote, obwohl dort vernünftige Impfstoffe eingesetzt werden. Die Impfstoffe in China sind gegen neuere Varianten weitgehend wirkungslos.

"In Peking wurden am Sonntag 621 neue Fälle gemeldet. Einige große Einkaufszentren in der Hauptstadt blieben geschlossen, andere schränkten die Öffnungszeiten ein. Mehrere Büros im Geschäfts- und Diplomatenviertel Chaoyang forderten ihre Angestellten auf, von zu Hause zu arbeiten. Auch einige Parks, Sporthallen und Fitnessstudios wurden geschlossen.Dennoch scheinen die Behörden – anders als bei früheren Ausbrüchen in der Hauptstadt – bisher davon abzusehen, die durch die außergewöhnlich strengen Pandemie-Maßnahmen erschöpfte Bevölkerung mit härteren Einschränkungen zu belegen"

--- Quark. Die Maßnahmen sind die gleichen wie vorher in Peking. Große Teile Pekings sind effektiv im Lockdown, auch wenn man's nicht so nennt.


Entschädigung beschlossen, Fragen bleiben

"Nun müsse der Topf mit Geld gefüllt werden, so Bals. Das soll denen helfen, die unter den Folgen des Klimawandels - zum Beispiel durch Tropenstürme oder Hitzewellen - besonders stark leiden. Wer in den Topf einzahlen soll? Dazu könnte bald möglicherweise China gehören. Das Land mit dem größten Treibhausgasausstoß pro Jahr, das offiziell noch zu den Schwellenländern zählt. Letztlich soll ein Komitee Detailfragen wie diese im kommenden Jahr klären."

--- Ein toller Erfolg der Konferenz ... für China:

China will nicht für Klimaschäden zahlen

"China sieht sich nach Worten seines Klimaunterhändlers Xie Zhenhua nicht in der Verantwortung, in einen Geldtopf für Klimaschäden in ärmeren Ländern einzuzahlen. Diese Verantwortung liege bei den Industrieländern, sagte Xie vor Journalisten am Rande der UN-Klimakonferenz in Scharm el-Scheich.
[...] China will im internationalen Klimaschutz weiter als Entwicklungsland behandelt werden, so wie es vor 30 Jahren im Kyoto-Protokoll festgelegt wurde. Westliche Staaten aber wollen das Land wegen seiner Wirtschaftskraft und der Rolle als größter Verursacher von Treibhausgasen aber nicht länger als Empfängerland für Gelder einstufen.
Zur Frage, wer das Geld aus dem Topf erhalten sollte, nannte Xie ebenfalls die Entwicklungsländer, schränkte aber ein: "Ich hoffe, dass es den verletzlichen Staaten zuerst zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann.""

--- Denn China will nicht bezahlen. & man hofft jetzt wohl, daß man dieses Komitee dementsprechend beeinflussen kann. Ein Schelm, der Böses dabei denkt.



London blockiert Übernahme einer Chipfabrik durch China (Hat eine Weile gedauert, bis das bei der FAZ ankam.)


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