China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-09-18/19



‘Puppet showmen’: Hong Kong elite vote in ‘patriots only’ election process

"The first poll under that new system, dubbed “patriots rule Hong Kong”, will take place on Sunday as members of the city’s ruling classes choose a 1,500-seat election committee.
[...] That figure has now been trimmed to about 4,800 – the equivalent of 0.6% of Hong Kong’s 7.5 million population. Police said 6,000 officers would be deployed to ensure there are no protests or disruptions."

--- When you have more cops than voters: Elections with Chinese characteristics. But, hey, that's just part of the elections, it gets much much more democratic later on:

"In December, that committee will appoint 40 of the city’s 90 seats in the legislature – 30 will be chosen by special interest groups and just 20 will be directly elected"

--- Those who will be directly elected do not include people who oppose the government, though. Because if you oppose the government, you are not 'patriotic' enough to qualify.

"China promised Hong Kong would maintain key liberties and autonomy for 50 years after its handover."

--- We need to be reminded of how China keeps its promises.


China defends clampdown on tech firms in a meeting with Wall St execs

"China's top securities regulator defended their crackdown on various industries in a private meeting with Wall Street executives
[...] The three-hour meeting of the China-U.S. Financial Roundtable on Thursday included the head of the People's Bank of China, and executives from Goldman Sachs Group Inc , Citadel and other Wall Street powerhouses"

--- Private as in casual or private as in secretive? More of the latter, I suppose. Anyway, both options appear creepy to me. But that's probably just me.

"Goldman Sachs declined to comment while Citadel did not immediately respond to a request for comment"

--- Because there is obviously nothing to hide.


Covid-19 origins: Why the search for the source is vital

""I'm still hopeful that, if not the Chinese government, the Chinese scientists, friends of Chinese scientists and others with whom they have worked will all come forward and get organized in these various ways, shapes and forms," Relman said"

--- Nothing really new in this article, but this makes me cringe. How can anyone still believe that the CCP would allow Chinese scientists to 'get organised' & spill the inner workings of Chinese labs?


Taiwan’s FM condemns ‘hostile’ fruit import ban from China

"Chinese customs authorities announced earlier Saturday that they would stop the import of custard and wax apples from Taiwan, citing pest concerns."

--- The usual Chinese excuse for economic bullying. Anyway, more interesting is the fact that now I know the name of this fruit: wax apple. Can't remember them from China, but I have eaten them quite often in Thailand. There they are fairly cheap. & tasty.


Britain's COP26 chief says ball in China's court on making conference a success

"Chinese President Xi Jinping had not yet confirmed whether he would attend the summit"

--- Of course he won't go there personally. He's much too afraid of the Wuhan Virus. At best, he'll show up in a video message.


Living with Alzheimer's: China's health time bomb

"Approximately 10 million people have been diagnosed with the degenerative—and incurable—brain disorder in China
[...] The United States has 6.2 million Alzheimer's patients and 73,000 beds in specialist treatment centres, while China has double the cases but fewer than 200 beds."

--- Another example of perfect commie health care.
Alzheimer's, like other mental problems, are usually considered family business.

"Last year, Beijing announced the Healthy China 2030 action plan that aims to roll out community-level screening programs for the early detection of Alzheimer's or dementia and raise public awareness of the disease.
However, critics say the proposals do not include details about training doctors, building dedicated care facilities or increasing the capacity of public hospitals to treat dementia patients."

--- But they have a plan. Ain't that wonderful?



Trudeau lambasted over exclusion from US-led military alliance as election nears

Detained Tibetans denied proper food, medical care by Chinese authorities: Report



--- China Uncensored: "Protests Erupt! Could China’s Economy Tank Over Evergrande Collapse?"


--- Sky News (AUS): Coverups surrounding the Wuhan Institute of Virology are ‘extraordinary’

--- Sky News (AUS): Fauci was ‘up to his neck’ funding coronavirus research in Wuhan



Die Weltbank kuscht vor China. Das muss Konsequenzen haben. Sonst verliert die Institution ihre Glaubwürdigkeit

"Der Skandal besteht nicht darin, dass China grossen Druck auf die Weltbank ausgeübt hat. Das ist hinlänglich bekannt. Seit Jahren bewegt sich das autoritäre Regime zusehends aggressiver auf dem internationalen Parkett
[...] Nein, bestürzend ist, wie die Führung der Weltbank gegenüber den Pressionen ohne erkennbare Gegenwehr eingeknickt ist. Wo Prinzipientreue und Standfestigkeit nötig gewesen wären, dominierte Duckmäusertum."

--- Leider heutzutage fast Normalität in der internationalen Politik & Wirtschaft.


Impfstoff-Produktion – „Müssen vor allem weniger abhängig von China werden“

"In der Biotechnologie müsse sich Deutschland gegenüber China besser aufstellen, fordert Gesundheitsminister Spahn (CDU).
[...] Einigkeit besteht darin, Deutschland und Europa eine Autarkie in der Impfstoff-Produktion zu verschaffen"

--- Pfff. Die Impfstoffproduktion ist nicht das größte Problem. Das hat ja noch halbwegs funktioniert. Das Problem ist, daß viele medizinische Vorprodukte nur noch in China produziert werden. (Von Masken et al. gar nicht zu reden.)


Vierjähriger steckt sich in China mit Covid-19 an – und muss allein in Isolation

"Ursprünglich seien in Putian auch Kinder von ihren Eltern getrennt worden, die zwar Kontakt mit einem oder einer Covid-19-Infizierten gehabt hatten, aber selbst negativ getestet wurden, berichtet nun CNN. Diese Regel sei später gelockert worden. Das gelte jedoch nicht für Kinder, die sich angesteckt hätten."

--- Deren Eltern dürfen aber gnädigerweise jetzt sogar in einen Nachbarraum, so daß die Kinder durch die Mauern (!) mit ihren Eltern reden können. Da muß man doch mal wieder die Menschlichkeit Kaiser Xis & seiner KPCh preisen.


Coronavirus sprang womöglich zweimal vom Tier auf den Menschen

"Die Ergebnisse müssen noch durch weitere Analysen bestätigt werden; zudem steht eine unabhängige Überprüfung der Daten und eine von Experten bewertete Publikation in einer Fachzeitschrift aus. Bestätigt sich die Analyse dabei, dann würde dies die Hypothese untermauern, dass die Pandemie in Wuhan von einigen Marktplätzen ihren Ausgang nahm. Zudem würde damit deutlich unwahrscheinlicher, dass Sars-CoV-2 aus einem Labor entwichen ist."

--- Langer Bericht über ziemlich unwahrscheinliche Spekulation. Das gleiche Virus soll innerhalb weniger Wochen zweimal von verschiedenen Tierarten auf den Menschen übergesprungen sein. Noch dazu in einer Gegend, in der das Virus nicht in der Natur vorkommt.
Klingt eher wie ein weiterer Versuch von Nature, die Theorie eines Laborunfalls zu diskreditieren.



Evergrande will Investoren mit Immobilien auszahlen


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