China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-04-22



Uyghurs: MPs state genocide is taking place in China

"The motion approved by MPs does not compel the UK to take action
[...] Despite government opposition, the motion passed because ministers did not vote against it"

--- So, we can expect dum dum Boris to go on wiggling around.


Momentum grows in U.S. Congress for legislation confronting China

"The legislation has 14 sponsors, including Schumer and Young. The list of co-sponsors is evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats and includes some of the most prominent names in both parties."

--- Good. & unlike in the UK, the government is willing to follow suit.
The German government, meanwhile, still favours appeasement: De-coupling from China would be the wrong way to go, Germany warns


Hong Kong court convicts journalist who investigated metro attack

"Hong Kong Connection used the licence plate searches to connect cars seen at Yuen Long to people involved in the attack, and revealed links between alleged attackers and influential pro-Beijing village committees"

--- Now, that's not proper journalism, obviously. Proper journalism would never connect commies to crime.

"In response the Hong Kong government said press operated freely in the city
[...] “Criminals who break the law must face justice,” the government spokesman said"

--- Unless, of course, they are in cahoots with the commies or the police.


China condemns bombing of Pakistan hotel hosting ambassador

"initial reports suggested that China’s envoy was the target"

--- Probably just the beginning, if China gets more involved in Afghanistan after NATO moves out. There are very local grievances as well, though:

"Resentment has been fuelled by billions of dollars of Chinese money flowing into the region through the project – a key part of China’s Belt and Road initiative – which opponents say gave locals little benefit as most new jobs went to outsiders"

--- The work goes to Chinese workers, the money goes to local officials & Chinese companies. That's how the BRI works.


Engagement With China Worked After All

"Their confidence and incomplete education make them bolder, brasher, and less predictable, as is evident in Xi’s drastic recentralization of power and assertive foreign policy"

--- But that's not necessarily a function of their upbringing during the Cultural Revolution. Even before the PRC was established, China's foreign policy was usually arrogant & self-centered, looking down on foreign barbarians, even if these barbarians were technologically more advanced.

"successive generations of cadres arise in age groups, each cohort shares similar formative experiences such that members understand each other better than perhaps with other cohorts. Each cohort also tends to form a relatively self-contained speech or even a policy community"

--- Major flaw in the article. The author seems to think that generational experience trumps political affiliation. There are various cliques or factions in the CCP, which are not really characterised by the birth dates of their members.

"Future cadres may be, by necessity, more independently thinking
[...] The new leaders may search for better ways to accommodate diversity"

--- May be. Maybe not. But, hey, the future is uncertain & the future I paint is the right one. Therefore we need:

"Treating China as a rising communist threat, as the West is increasingly doing, may lock it onto a path toward that destiny in a self-fulfilling prophecy. This may lead to a new Cold War, prematurely and unnecessarily"

--- Appeasement!


China says ready to help but India looks elsewhere for oxygen

"China said Thursday it stood ready to provide India with necessary support and assistance to get the situation under control."

--- Let me guess: The PRC will send 200,000 doses as a gift.
But only after India agreed to buy 2,000,000 (or maybe 20m) doses for 30-60 dollars each.


Podium protests to be banned at Tokyo Olympics after athletes’ poll

"the IOC Athletes’ Commission document athletes are reminded that freedom of speech “is not absolute” and “may be limited” under certain restrictions"

--- Freedom of speech with Chinese characteristics?

"The IOC president, Thomas Bach, promised the Olympic village would be safe for athletes"

--- But only as long as they don't protest against genocide in China?


Air pollution in China might be under-reported, study suggests

"Together, the results suggest that, when air pollution is high, local stations systematically report lower PM2.5 levels than reported by U.S. stations
[...] Our work finds evidence of systemic local government underreporting of air pollution levels in four out of five tested Chinese cities"

--- Who would have thought?



--- America Uncovered: "Biden Meets Japanese Prime Minister | United Against China?"


--- WION: "Gravitas: Tesla apologises to China"


--- Sky News (AUS): The 'spite, bullying and evil' of China is on 'full display again'

--- CNN: Avlon: How China and Russia used QAnon against Americans



Confucius Institute at Slovak University of Technology threatens China-critical researchers



Die Doppelkrise, die keiner wahrhaben will – dass China und Russland gleichzeitig militärisch eskalieren, ist kein Zufall

"die Gefahr, dass Moskau und Peking in Absprache miteinander und zur gleichen Zeit regionale Krisen in ihrem Umfeld durch militärische Interventionen lösen wollen"

--- Aktive Absprachen halte ich eher für zweifelhaft. Opportunistische Aktionen sind aber durchaus wahrscheinlich.

"Die Crux ist, dass die USA nicht mehr in der Lage sind, Verstärkungskräfte für zwei gleichzeitig stattfindende regionale Kriege in Europa und Asien zu mobilisieren"

--- Die Crux ist v.a., daß die europäischen Verbündeten zu Weicheiern geworden sind, die schon bei Wirtschaftssanktionen kalte Füße bekommen.


Widerstand gegen EU-China-Abkommen

"Das vernichtende Urteil einiger Experten lautet, dass der Handelsvertrag wohl mit heißer Nadel gestrickt worden sei, um ihn noch vor Jahresende fertig zu bekommen. Diesen Eindruck verstärkt das Gutachten der polnischen Gesellschaft für internationale Angelegenheiten, das dem CAI schlechte Noten ausstellt"

--- War nicht anders zu erwarten.

"Das Investitionsabkommen hat ein Ziel. Menschenrechte sind wichtig. Die Frage ist, wie man das löst. Die beiden Themen müssen getrennt werden."

--- Genau. Hat ja schließlich in den letzten Jahrzehnten so toll funktioniert. Ist ja nicht so, als hätte sich die Menschenrechtslage unter Kaiser Xi rapide verschlechtert. Gelle?


Athleten Deutschland bittet DOSB um Verzicht auf Sanktionen

"In der Befragung finden sich auch einige bemerkenswerte Zahlen: so haben 85-87 Prozent der chinesischen Teilnehmer zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass sie es für unangemessen halten, gegenüber Journalisten in der Mixed Zone, auf Pressekonferenzen oder allgemein in den Medien eine eigene Meinung zu politischen oder anderen Themen zum Ausdruck zu bringen."

--- Jetzt wissen wir wohl, wie die Mehrheit für Einschränkungen zustande gekommen ist. Die Überraschung ist allerdings, daß über 10% der Chinesen dem nicht zustimmten.


Von der Kohle abhängig

"Während sich die Volksrepublik technologisch und wirtschaftlich seit Jahren als vollwertige, leistungsstarke Industrienation präsentiert, bezeichnet sie sich als Schwellenland, wenn es um Umwelt- und Klimaschutz geht."

--- Das arme, kleine China kann doch nicht gezwungen werden, sich an Umweltvereinbarungen zu halten.


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